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TXT had left at night after watching the horror film. Yeontan slept with Hoseok while his Dad was searching him everywhere. Then he saw him in his Hyung's room so he took a breath in relief. Then all of them slept.

Next Morning

So here Jin is making breakfast for his lovely brothers and sister. Yoongi, well he is lying in Hoseok's lap. Hoseok is playing with his hairs. YN is with Jin helping him to make the breakfast. The Maknaes are planing on what to play after breakfast since today is Sunday so there is no school and university. When the breakfast was ready Jin shouted from the kitchen


YN giggled listening to what Jin said and Jin just shrugged of like nothing happened. So every single brat__ I mean every single sibling came and sat on their places.

Tae- Jin Hyung what is for breakfast.

Jin- See by yourself.

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Jimin- Wow

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Jimin- Wow. tteokbokki looks very delicious. You made it after so much time. Right Hyung.

Jin- Right but___

Jk- But sandwich?

Suga- YN loves Sandwich. She must have told Hyung to make.

YN- Correct Oppa. Oppa made Sandwiches and I and tteokbokki.

RM- You know cooking?

YN- Ofcourse.

Jk- Then why didn't you cooked before.

Hoseok- She is so lazy to enter the kitchen and make it.

YN- Bingo.

Jin- Now let's eat.

Everyone X Jin- Ok Hyung/ Oppa.

Then all of them started eating. After eating there breakfast all of them went in the living room and sat there. Except for Yoongi who again lied down in YN's lap this time.

Hoseok and Jungkook went out cause they wanna buy something. Specifically it was Hoseok who wanna buy Jungkook just walked with him God knows why?

{Jk- If God don't know then maybe you must know? Cause you are writing this story right?

A/N- Umm...... Ya I am writing

Jk- Than tell the readers why did I went with Hoseok Hyung?

A/N- About that......... Cause you know........... I don't know. And who are you to ask me questions?

Jk- You know you are just lazy to answer.

A/N- I am not lazy.

Jk- You are.

A/N- You.......

Hoseok- Jungkook what are you doing here let's go otherwise I will leave you.

A/N- Go Go.

Jk- Ya Ya I am going. You are having fun. Right.

A/N- Yes I am having. Got any problem.

Jk- YOU___


Jk- Coming Hyung.
I will see you later.

A/N- Ya Ya whatever. *Eyes roll*

Jk- Roll your eyes maybe you will find your brain there. If found then tell me. I am going
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*Jk left*

A/N- Aish this boy. I will see him later. }

So now Jin and RM were in their  rooms doing some studies and the 2 Maknaes were in the gaming room. Rest two people, YN and the person on her lap, Yoongi were watching a movie. Suddenly the door bell ringed. YN stood up and went towards the door to see who was there. She opened the door and was shocked to see who was standing.

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I will meet you in next chapter
Till then
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Words Count-  600

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