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Jimin, Hoseok- Wait a minute, I think I know who is whose girlfriend.

IU- Really then tell us?

Jimin- Hyung first tell me and then we will tell.

Hoseok- Ok so.........

Hoseok wnet to Jimin and whispered something in his ears.

Jimin- I also think the same Hyung.

Jin- Ok,so now tell us.

Hoseok- Suzy Noona is the girlfriend of Jin Hyung.

Jimin- And IU Noona is the girlfriend of Yoongi Hyung.

The couple's looked at each other.

YN- Actually, I think it's opposite. Suzy Unnie is Suga Oppa's girlfriend.

Taehyung- Same. I also think that only.

Namjoon- Hyung, you both tell who is right?

Yoongi- Umm...... YN and Tae Tae you both are.....

IU- Wrong. I am his girlfriend.

She said and went towards Suga. Jin also got up and sat with Suzy.

Suzy- And I am his.

YN- What!!

Jungkook- Hobi Hyung, Jiminshiii how did you guessed?

Jimin- We didn't guessed. And its JIMIN HYUNG YOU BRAT.

Jungkook- Hehe.

YN- But Oppa how did you both knew?

Hoseok- It's because when IU Noona called Jin Hyung as Jin Oppa she didn't had the love in her voice which she had while talking about Yoongi Hyung.

Suzy- Ohhh. You both are so smart.

Jin- Ofcourse they will be. They are my brothers.

Taehyung- Hmm. noona if I will ask something will you both tell me?

(Ivna- In one story IU calls her Oppa and now he is calling her Noona. I am weird. I know that)

Suzy, IU- Sure.

Taehyung- Tell us your love story. Like how you met each other.

Jin, Yoongi- There is no need.

Jungkook- Aah Hyung. Please. It will be fun. Please. Noona please.

IU- Yoongs tell them.

Hoseok, Namjoon- Ohhhh yoongssss.

Yoongi- You brats shut up.

Namjoon- IU Noona see he is scolding us.

IU- Yoongs stop it. They are kids.

Yoongi- Kids my ass!!

Jin, Suzy- Yoongi! No cursing.

YN- Female version of Jin Hyung is here.

Suzy- It's not like that. And IU you go and start by your love story, cause if your will not began we both are far away.

IU- Right. So, all of you ready to listen?

Kim Siblings (except Jin, Yoongi)- Yes.

3 Months ago.

Jin and Yoongi both have been graduated from their university two weeks ago and from last week they have going to their father's company that means Mr. Kim's company to learn business and all.

Today also as usual, they went their. Yoongi was outside with Mr. Kim's manager while Jin was with Mr. Kim himself.

Manager- So, I will leave you here. You can check the rest.

Yoongi- Hmm.

The manager bowed a little and left from there. Yoongi was now roaming in the employee section area. And he was roaming when his eyes met the person whom he wanted to see and for whom he is coming here in this section daily. It was a girl. Who is working here. When Yoongi first came she caught his attention snd that was the first time, a girl Ever caught Yoongi's attention. He wanted to talk with her but you know how he is. He don't know how to take the first step. The girl was somthing whom Yoongi even tired but then also was not able to forget.

Jin, who just came outisde the office started finding his younger Brother. He came in the section Yoongi was and found Yoongi standing there having a very deep eye contact with someone. Jin looked at here Yoongi was looking and chuckled seeing him. He knew about the girl and how she caught Yoongi's attention without even doing anything. It was amazing according to him  But the thing he found more amazing was the girl was also looking or you can staring at Yoongi with same eyes with deep emotions in them. 

Jin sighed and he shook his shoulders. He know that both of them have something for each other but are not gonna take the first step. He turned around and went towards the elevator going to the 6th floor while he was in 5th right now. He went there and saw their were employees working too. Who noticed him bowed to him. He bowed back a little and started finding the person he wanted to meet.

There she was sitting on a chair with. He went towards her and tapped her desk lightly. It caught the girl's attention. As soon as she saw him, she immediately stood and bowed to him

Jin- Ms. Suzy, there is no need of bowing.

Suzy stopped in her tracks and looked at him.

Suzy- Do you want something Mr. Jin?

Jin- Well yes. But first tell me are you free right now?

Suzy- To be honest No. I have some work, maybe I will be free in half an hour. But if you need something, tell me.

Jin- No No. This is no urgent. You do you work and Whenver you are free just come to my cabin. We will talk there.

Suzy- Ok Mr. Jin.

Jin- Ok, I will go now.

Suzy- Sure. Have a nice day.

Jin- You too.

Jin left from there and again went to 5th floor to collect his brother. Ya collect cause he know if he call Yoongi he will not hear it.
He reached there and saw Yoongi still looking at the girl sneakily while the girl was working but still looking at Yoongi from time to time.

Jin looked at both and again let out a small chuckle. He went towards Yoongi and tapped his houlder making Yoongi come out from his daydream. He turned around to face Jin.

Yoongi- W-what happened Hyung?

Yoongi mentally cursed himself for stuttering.
He looked at Jin who was trying not laugh when he heard Yoongi stuttering.

Jin- Nothing, just let's go. Dad is calling you.

Yoongi- Oh Ok.

Yoongi said and then turned to see the girls face one more time. He again turned back and enet towards the elevator going towards his Dad's cabin while Jin went to his cabin.

Was your guess regarding their girlfriend, Right? Or wrong? Tell me in Comments.
So, that is it for now.
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I love you all so much.

Words Count- 1080

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