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Mr. Lee- N-o, you can't do this. You can't cancel my deal. This deal is very important for me.

Hoseok- I guess I just did it. My brother's already warned your daughter to stay in limit, didn't they? Now what will you do?

Mr. Lee- My wife. She is also so rich. She will make you all regret.

Hoseok- chuckled and looked at Mr. Lee with a 'I don't care' look.

Hoseok- Then why don't you call her?

Mr. Lee- Just wait a minute.

He went somewhere away from them and came after 5 minutes.

Mr. Lee- You see Kim Hoseok my wife will is coming. She will destroy all of you.

Hoseok- We will see.

He looked at his Hyung's and said

Hoseok- Hyungggggg

He whined like a baby and Me. Lee was shocked seeing him. Obviously any one will be shock seeing the person who was really boiling in anger and was about to burst was now whining like a small baby who didn't get his chocolate.
His Hyung's chuckled seeing him.

Jin- What happened to my baby?

Hoseok- Hyung, I don't know when will the wife of this old man come.

Suga- And?

Hoseok- I am really Hungry. Can you give me some food.

He said with a cute pout on his face.

[ A/N- Why is he so cute? I am literally during for this man every single day, single hour, single minute and every single second

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[ A/N- Why is he so cute? I am literally during for this man every single day, single hour, single minute and every single second. My poor heartuuu 💜💜]

Roya and Aerum were also shocked seeing him like this but his brothers weren't. They all know about his childish behaviour. Jin went towards him riffled his hair.

Jin- So my baby is hungry?

Hoseok- Ne.

Jin- Ok wait here. Hyung will go and bring food for you. Ok

Hoseok- Okie.

Jin- Namjoon come with me. We will buy for all of us.

Namjoon- Ok Hyung.

He said and both of went. Hoseok went and sat on one of the many tables present there. All his siblings all went and sat.

Roya- Tch Tch Tch. Look at you. Here we are planning on destroying you and what you care is about food.

Hoseok- Actually food is very important unlike you. And You were the ones because of whom I am hungry. So better shut up otherwise I will just eat you.

Roya- YOU

Hoseok- What me. Did you forget the slap. Wanna taste it one more time?

Aerum- Dad when is Mom coming. I really wanna see him destroyed. He is talking to much.

Mr. Lee- She is on her way onc__

Jin- Can you shut up. Don't you get tired of talking. Stupid.
Hoseok here you go. I bought you hamburger.

Hoseok- Thank you Hyungie but_

Namjoon- Hyung we bought sprite also.

Hoseok- Give me.

He said and Namjoon handed him the sprite. All if them were eating and ignoring the Lee family like they don't even exist. After few minutes the door opened and a lady came inside. She straightly came and stood towards Mr. Lee.

Hoseok- Who are you? And what are you doing here?

Mr. Lee- She is my wife. Sulli. Lee Sulli.

Sulli- Honey why did you__ just a sec. Hoseok is it you?

Hoseok smiled seeing her and nodded. She came towards him and hugged him. Hoseok also returned the hug. Mr. Lee or shall I say everyone except Taehyung was shocked on how Hoseok know her or how she knows him.

Mr. Lee- Sulli, you know him?

Sulli- Ofcourse. Remember the day I told you I almost got into an accident. And two boys saved me. Hoseok was one of them.
Hoseok you are here that means Taehyung must be here too.

Hoseok- He is.

Taehyung- Hii.

Sulli- Hey buddy. How are you?

Taehyung- I am fine.

Sulli- Great. Well honey wh__

Hoseok- Mr. Lee why is your wife not here yet?

Aerum- You blind. Can't you see her. She is standing infront of you.

Sulli- Aerum. Is this a way to talk with someone.

Roya- But Mom she is right. Can't he see you.

Hoseok- I can see her. She is my and Tae's buddy but I am asking about your wife Mr. Lee

Mr. Lee- She is my wife only.

Hoseok- Ohh. Then who is Yevi? So shall I say Lee Yevi?

So, that is it for now.

The story was going so serious so I thight of adding some cute scenes.

I hope you like it.
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I love you all

Words Count- 780

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