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So now Jin and RM were in their rooms doing some studies and the 2 Maknaes were in the gaming room. Rest two people, YN and the person on her lap, Yoongi were watching a movie. Suddenly the door bell ringed. YN stood up and went towards the door to see who was there. She opened the door and was shocked to see who was standing.

It Was


Yup it was her parents. She hugged both of them very tightly. Listening to her Yoongi who was also there came. He saw his parents. He was also shocked. He went towards them and hugged them.

Mom- Will you both let us come in or are you planning of letting us stay outside only.

YN- Ohh. Sorry sorry. Come in Come in.

They all came in living room. YN meet inside the kitchen and came back with water. She gave the glass to her parents. They both drank and then ask

Dad- How are you both?

YN- I am fine and happy.

Yoongi- I am fine too.

Mom- Yoongi did she disturbed or did something to you all?


Mom- What I am asking cause I don't believe you.

Yoongi- Mom she didn't did anything. I stead she helped us to form our bon__

~YN why are you shouting?

We turned to back to see the owner of the voice. It was the one and only Kim Seokjin. He came downstairs and was gonna say something but saw his parents and was shocked.

Jin- Mom, Dad when did you both came?

Mom- Just now Jin. Well come here. Don't you wanna hug your Mom.

Jin- Ofcourse I wanna.

They hugged each other. Jin was so happy.

Dad- Seems like my son's forgot me.

Jin- Aniyo Dad. I didn't.

He hugged his dad also.

Mom- Where are the others?

Jin- Wait a minute let me call all of them.

Jin took a deep breath. YN and Yoongi both closed there ears knowing what Jin was about to do.


His Mom and Dad flinched when he shouted. YN and Yoongi took their hands off their ears. Jin turned back and his face was like Nothing happened. Just then a few footsteps were heard. The 2 maknae and one big Maknae I mean RM came downstairs running.

V- Jin Hyung why did you called us?

Jin- There is someone who wants to meet you.

Jimin- Meet who? Me, Tae or Namjoon Hyung?

Jin- All of us.

RM- Where are they?

Jin- Behind me.

The 3 of them then saw there Min and Dad standing there. RM, V and Jimin ran and hugged them. They also hugged them back.

V- When did you came?

YN- Just 5 minutes ago.

They made an O face.

Yoongi- Where is Hoseok?

When Yoongi asked about Hoseok there Mom and Dad were sad. They thought that they are still not talking to each other. Yoongi didn't asked about Jungkook cause I already told you If you wanna find Jungkook just go and find Hoseok.

YN- He is out for shopping?

~ Was out. Now I am back.

They saw Hoseok standing on the doorway with some bags in his hands. The bunny boy was not there cause he was parking the car. Hoseok saw his parents he came towards them and hugged them.

Hoseok- Finally someone decided to come back home. I just thought that you forget that you have kids also.

Dad- Don't say like this son. How can we forget you all? Did you missed us?

Hoseok- Very much.

Dad- Did Yoongi took care of you?

Hoseok-Yes. They took great care of me.


Now here comes the bunny. He came and hugged them.

Mom- So all if you are here now. Jungkook where were you?

Jk- I went for shopping wi__

Mom- Then you could just went with Hoseok. He also went.

Jk- Mom I went with him only.

Mom- Oh Ok__ WAIT WHAT.

Dad- Jungkook you are kidding right?

Hoseok- No he is not. He was with me only.

Dad- That means everything is fine between you and Jungkook.

RM- Not only Jungkook Dad.

Mom- That means you also?

Jimin- No Mom all of us.

Mom, Dad- Really. But how?

Jin- I will tell you before that I wanna tell you something Dad.

Dad- Ok.

Jin- Thay all know.

Dad- What?

Yoongi- That Hoseok is not our brother?

Dad- What how?

Mom- What do you mean that Hoseok is not your brother?

Hoseok- I am adopted Mom.

Mom- WHAT.

Dad- But how all of them know?

Jin- I will tell you.

Then Jin told them all that happen after they left.

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Words Count- 850

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