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So, now the party was started and there were many employees and partners of Mr. Kim. The eldest and second eldest were just focusing on Jungkook. And the rest were enjoying themselves.
The guest have all left and it's already noon. Teh siblings were also tired and just want to go and sleep. They were about to go but stopped hearing their Dad's voice.

Dad- Stop. Don't go up.

V- But Dad we all are so tired and Party is also over so why?

Mom- Actually we have a surprise for you all.

Jimin- What surprise?

Dad- We will tell you.

Mom- Before that I want to tell you all to not shout or scream Ok.

Kim Siblings X Jin, Yoongi,Jk- Ok.

Dad- So let's come in the middle of the room.

They all did as they were told.

YN- Mom, before you say something, I wanna tell Oppas something. Can I?

Mom- Ok I guess.

YN- Oppas, I am not Mom's daughter. I am not her real daughter. She adopted me. I wanted to tell you but didn't get the chance.

Vmin, Namjoon- You are adopted?

YN- Ne. I never tell this to anyone but I trust you guys so much. More than myself that's why I told you.
Mom you can say now.

Mom- Sweety, you are my daughter. Always remember this. Ok

YN- Ok Mom.

Mom- Well YN remember you asked me something in your 15th birthday.

YN- Ofcourse. I wanted a sibling. And I got now. Not one but 7.

Dad- Hoseok, do you love YN? I mean as a sister?

Hoseok- Ofcourse Dad. Why are you asking?

Dad- Do you remember your real parents face?

Hoseok- I guess I do.

Dad- Here is the photo of your parents.

He said handing him the photo. Hoseok took the photo and looked at it with hate in his eyes. He never liked seeing them. He was staring at the photo but someone coughed getting him out of his space. He looked up and saw his Dad.

Hoseok- Why did you gave me their photo and why are you asking all this?

Dad- Hoseok, you have a sibling.

Hoseok- I know. I gave 6 brothers and 1 sister. But what it has to do with it?

Mom- What your Dad means is you have a blood sibling. A real sibling.


Dad- Yes my dear son. Wanna meet your sibling?

Hoseok- Ofcourse.... Wait you both are not joking right. Please don't tell me it's not true. I___

Mom- Hoseok it's truth. You have a siblings.

Hoseok- Really. So you know where is he or she. I want to meet him it her now. Please take me there.

Jin- Oh God Hobi. Firstly calm down. It's not like your sibling is running away.

Hoseok- But Hyung wha___ just a sec you knew about it, didn't you?

𝑴𝒚 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 | 𝑩𝑻𝑺✅Where stories live. Discover now