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Mom- YN and Hoseok are brother and sister.

Suga- Very funny Mom. We all know this. We all are siblings.

Dad- Actually no. Firstly let me tell you. YN is adopted.

Jin, Suga- WHAT.

Mom- Yes. It's truth. And YN and Hoseok are siblings means YN and Hoseok are real siblings.

Jin, Suga- WHAT!!!!!

Mom- Yup.

Jin- Why?... I mean How?

Dad- Let me tell you both.

Then Mr. Kim told both of them about how they found out. After he explained he said

Dad- So, we wanna tell them. That's why we are doing this surprise party.

Jin- The idea is great. I am so happy. And so will be Hobi, when he will get to know he have a real sister.

Suga- And she is non other than our YN.

Jin- Well Mom did YN knows that she is adopted.

Mom- YA, she knows.

Suga- But why did you both told us this?

Dad- Cause we wanted some help. If we have told the Makanes they would have told Hoseok in excitement and Namjoon well.....

Jin, Suga- He is the king of spoiler. We understand.

Mom- So now you both will help us plan. Ok

Jin, Suga- Ok, so what we have to do?

Dad- So, you have a very simple work. You both have to keep your brothers and your sister distracted and avoid them from coming downstairs. Ok

Jin- Ok Dad, anything else.

Dad- Ya, I want you to collect pictures of Hoseok, as many as you can and make a photo frame. We have already given the order of YN's frame. so, will you do it?

Suga- This will also be done.

Mom- Ok, so now you can go and have some rest.

Jin, Suga- Ok, so we will leav___

Dad- Just a sec. Before leaving tell me what happened in school today?

Suga- How did you know something happened?

Dad- Hoseok calling me, asking me to cancel the deal all of sudden, then asking me to buy the company of same person with whom he cancelled the deal was quite obvious. On top of that V, Jimin and Jungkook saying like his hands are tired, ears are tired , etc was also obvious.

Suga- Are you telling him or shall I?

Jin- I will. So, what happened was....................
???- Found her.

###- Where?

???- Kim Mansion.

###- Let's go then.

???- Not now. After one week. Ok

###- Ok.

Jin- So, this all happened.

Dad- And you didn't told me? Why?

Suga- Dad, he alone was enough. Even if I was there I would have beated him. But he just destroyed him fully. From Company to Family. Everything.

Mom- I didn't knew Hoseok's anger is this big.

Jin- Trust me Mom, you wouldn't like to see it.

Suga- Yup. He can be sweet as ice cream but can be scary as hell.

Dad- Are you both tryna scare your Mom?

Jin- Aniyo Dad. We are just stating the facts.

Dad- Whatever. Well, you both can go now.

Jin, Suga- Ok By.

Then both of them left for their rooms. The whole day they tried very hard for not letting any if their siblings went downstairs. They also gave the photos so that a frame can be made. Now both of them are waiting for tomorrow. Both are so happy. When their parents told the rest siblings that they can skip school they were literally in air. I mean they were jumping around and were so happy.

So, this is it for now.
Hope you like it
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It means a lot to me.
I know it was boring but the next chapters will be amaJIN.
Anyways meet you all in the next chapter.
Till then
By By

I Love you all

Words Count- 700

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