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💜💜💜 Pervious Part 💜💜💜

Doctor- So I will take my leave now.

Suga- Let me escort you.

Jk- Hyung, You should stay with Hobi Hyung. I will help him.

Suga- Ok. Wait what did you say?

Jk- I will help me.

Suga- No before that. Did you called me Hyung?

Jk- Hmm. We will talk later

Suga- Ok

Then Jungkook Oppa and the doctor left. Me and Suga Oppa went inside te room. Suga Oppa sat on the side of bed and took Hobi Oppa's gand in his own. I was sitting in the other side of the bed. Then Jungkook Oppa also came. Suga Oppa looked towards him and said

Suga- Now Explain.

💜💜💜NEW PART💜💜💜


Suga- Now Explain.

Jungkook- Hyung you see..... Umm....

Suga- Fast.

Jungkook- Hyung I just want to say I am so sorry. So sorry for not being with you when you both needed someone. So sorry for not believing you or Hoseok Hyung. I don't know why but when YN said that Hoseok Hyung fainted, I feel like someone important to me is going away from me. That time I realised that I still Love Him the way I loved him 7 years ago. I still want him to take me to parks, malls, for dinner and  spend time with me.
When we stopped talking and only you were talking to him that time I don't know why but I feel jealous of you. When YN came then also I feel jealous not because she spent most time with you both but beacuse she is always near Hoseok Hyung. Now I don't even care whose mistake was there in the past the only thing I care is now I want my both Hyung again. Not as Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung but as my old 7years ago's Suga Hyung and Hobi Hyung.
Hyung please forgive me. It was my mistake only. I should have listened to you both also.

He said with tears in his eyes.

After he said I looked towards Suga Oppa he was having tears in his eyes

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After he said I looked towards Suga Oppa he was having tears in his eyes. He wiped his tears and then stood from the bed went near Jungkook Oppa and hugged him. Jungkook Oppa was shocked first but then he also hugged him. After they broke the hug Suga Oppa said

Suga- I am happy that you realised your mistake. And I forgive you.

Jk- Jinja Hyung.

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