little Mirabel tries to help

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Mirabel didn't like this. She didn't like how Abuela was telling Tia Pepa off for showing her emotions. It wasn't Tia's fault that her gift was weather control. Usually Tia just needed a few minutes, a hug from Tio Felix or one of her kids making her laugh to get under control but Camilo and Dolores had already left for the day to help out and Tio Felix had gone with papa to help build something.

Which meant it was just Mama, Abuela, Isabela, and Tia Pepa in the kitchen with Mirabel. Luisa had left to go round up the donkeys again after all even though Mirabel wondered why they kept getting out or why the farmer couldn't fix his fence.

Mama was cooking and making some tea for Tia but Abuela wasn't helping by reminding Tia about the cloud over her head and the rain that was starting to fall from it. Isabela looked like she wanted to help but Abuela promptly sent her off to go decorate the town with her flowers. Isabela looked reluctant but nodded and left, never once saying a word or looking at Mirabel. She hadn't for the last week and a half since Mirabel's birthday when her door disappeared.

"I know I have a cloud Mama." Tia Pepa said although it was still raining over her head as she stroked her braid. Mirabel decided to see if she could help her Tia like she and Cami did before.

Getting out of her chair Mirabel made her way over to her Tia and immediately crawled into the womans lap. She was soaked by the rain instantly but she didn't care as she cuddled into her Tia.

"Mira no. You're getting soaked." Tia said but Mirabel didn't care about the rain getting her wet. In fact she loved the rain. It was so soothing and made for great puddles to splash in.

"It's okay Tia! I like the rain!" Mirabel said beaming up at her Tia who sucked in a sharp breath at that and she was staring at Mirabel as if she had never seen the girl before.

"I just don't like it when you're sad." Mirabel said as she leaned up as far as she could and kissed her Tia's cheek. She felt a wave of emotion slam into her right then, sadness guilt and a lot of others including stress, but Mirabel pushed those away. Her Tia needed her. She could wonder about the weird emotions later.

"I don't care bout the sun and you look pretty in the rain Tia but you look better when you smile." Mirabel said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world as she smiled brightly up at her Tia and wound her arms around her Tia's neck. She felt Tia's hands come up and lift her to be more comfortable until Mirabel's head was resting on Tia's shoulder right by her neck. She was still being hit with all those emotions and it was almost enough to make her dizzy or sick but she latched onto one emotion that felt really warm and focused on it. It didn't feel as bad as the others.

"Sometimes when I have bad days I get a really big hug and feel better, or I draw until I feel better. Do you want to draw Tia or do you just want a hug?" Mirabel asked and she hadn't noticed the cloud getting smaller over their heads as Tia laid her head on top of Mirabel's, holding her close and tight.

"Just a hug Mira..." Tia murmured and Mirabel tightened her grip around her aunt.

"Mkay. Then I'll hug you all day until you feel better." Mirabel said and she felt her Tia shake a little but she didn't feel sad now. She didn't have lots of those icky feelings inside anymore, she just had happy ones.

"You are a treasure Mira." Tia murmured as she moved to kiss Mirabel's head before she just held her, the cloud over her head gone now and the rain stopped as she held Mirabel.

Abuela had watched everything with one eyebrow raised. It seemed Mirabel, despite being giftless for some reason, may have a use after all.

"Mirabel how would you like to help with something?" Abuela asked and Mirabel merely gave a hum to show that she was listening but continued to hug her Tia's neck.

"I want you to stay with Pepa and make sure she feels better every day unless I say otherwise." Abuela ordered and she saw how Pepa stiffened a little bit and raised her head to look at her. Mirabel raised her head to look at her too and Abuela almost seemed to flinch when her gaze met Mirabels. Mirabel didn't know that her eyes were swirling pools of chocolate as they seemed to glow slightly with an inner light.

"I'd help Tia anyways. I love Tia Pepa." Mirabel said as if it were obvious and she got another smile and a kiss to her head from her Tia before she laid her head down on Tia's shoulder again. For some reason she felt really tired after feeling those bad emotions.

"I love you too Mira." Pepa said smiling softly at the girl and she wondered about the effect the child had on her. It felt like all the negative emotions she's been repressing for years until they needed rain had suddenly just...melted away. Banished by the warmth and love of the girl in her arms.

No one knew that was when the first almost lightning bolt shaped scar appeared on Mirabel's back nearly covering her entire back. After all one couldn't take in all the negative emotions that's been repressed for decades without having some damage from it.

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