001-what's wrong?

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Hello guys, so in this Au almight did not give deku a quirk, he is a late bloomer. Due to his quirk being similar to almight's he is under his tutelage just like in the canon.


My alarm goes off and I am forced to get up for another day, everything is good it's just that I feel extremely tired and my head hurts like a lot. I contemplate between going back to sleep for a couple more minutes and starting my morning. Deciding against the former, I drag my weak self out of bed. I walk out to the common bathroom after more than thirty minutes, I already know today will be bad but I am sure I can hold out.

Grabbing my towel, I head out the door to be greeted by an extra energetic Aoyama, I put on my signature smile,

"good morning, Aoyama?"

"Ah, what a dazzling morning it is, I hope you had a nice sleep", he said returning my smile, the difference is, his is genuine.

Barely able to keep up with time, I stumble into the bathroom to take a quick shower and boy did it do wonders on my skin. It was refreshing and soothing making me forget about my headache, 'this is true bliss' is what I thought, that is until my stomach turned in a way I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to. I clutch onto it as I make my way out, stopping by the mirror to take in my appearance.

I am definitely sick, I am sure now, my reflection says it all. My sagging posture does a great job in complementing my face, dark circles under my eyes, it can't be from lack of sleep right? I mean, I did train last night but it wasn't for long because I just couldn't keep my eyes open. My skin now looks whiter than before with a tint of pink on my cheeks, obviously not from blushing. My hair danced messily on my head covering most of my dead eyes.

I tried massaging my face to reduce the unhealthy look and luckily it did work but not completely. Anyone that sees me would still think something is up, I am sure Yuga would have noticed if he wasn't so indulged in well, himself.

"This is going to be a long day", I can feel the coarseness in my voice.

When coming out, I bump into someone, and have to lean on the wall to prevent me from falling,

"hey Midobro, are you okay? Wait, what are you even doing here?" I look up to see Kirishima, he has his towel round his waist and is dripping wet, was he here all along? Noticing that he is still here I reply quickly,

"Kirishima, I'm sorry I bumped into you, I was just out of it, by the way I'm I not supposed to be here?" I tilt my head a little.

"No, no, that's not it, it's just that you are usually done taking your bath by this time, you don't look okay", he noted,

" I'm totally fine, I just didn't get enough sleep, last night I was up, so I kinda overslept", he nods in understanding, believing the lie without second thought.

"That explains a lot, anyways, bye, see you in class", he doesn't wait for a reply and heads straight for his room.

Not wanting to be late, I do the same but at a slower pace than kirishima. I hope I don't meet anyone else before class.

Please let me know how you feel about the first chapter, and yes I am aware that it is short but that's the point, bye.

Please don't forget to vote 😘

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