007- they all know

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To be honest, I don't know what I am supposed to do with the nerd. Nobody told me I would be stuck with a sick deku without aunt's help. Ah, yes, aunt, I should call her. She will know what to do, she always does. I search my pocket for my phone but it's not there, I must have dropped it when coming here with the clothes.

I make my way back to his room and pick my phone from the the bed, that's where I left it. Browsing through my call log, I visibly sigh, I wonder how she's doing. It's been a while, I miss her. I stop my hand from tapping the call button, deku would 100% not like that, he wouldn't want to worry her, what do I do?

After pondering for what feels like ages, I settle with telling Aizawa Sensei first, he should make the decision. Deku is sleeping peacefully and as much as I want to disrupt it because why not? I silently exit the room sparing him one last glance before heading downstairs.

Maybe the god's are answering my prayers, Aizawa Sensei pops out of nowhere, like literally. Kaminari and Sero look absolutely shocked. Some of the extras drag him to sit with them, playing some game. Not interested, I stand by the door watching for a while.

"Bakubro, come play with us", everybody's head snapped towards my direction after kirishima blew my cover.

"Yeah, it is pretty interesting how I keep winning", kaminari beams. Aizawa Sensei and Icy-hot send worried expressions my way, they probably suspect something's up.

"Bakugo, you are just coming, did you happen to see Midoriya", Tokoyami says looking round the room.

"That is true, I have not seen Midoriya ever since we came back from classes", Lida adds,

"I should go and check on him, it is my responsibility as the class rep and-", I stop him, getting pissed. They didn't notice his absence until now.

"Don't even bother, he is sleeping. He is down with I don't know, maybe a cold", I find a place to sit and use my phone.

"What, poor deku, I think we should make him some soup and maybe call recovery girl", pink cheeks actually says something smart.

"I'll make the soup, Icy-hot is helping but let's wait a while first, he just ate", then I remember that he threw it all up so technically, he hasn't eaten.

"I'm going to go check on him and call the nurse", Aizawa Sensei gets up with a sigh.

"Man, Midoriya being sick is something I didn't expect", Sero says looking worried.

"Do you think he'll be alright?", The animal one, koda was it asked.

I really hope so, I really do.

"Yeah, it's Midobro we're talking about, he is one of the strongest person I know, he'll be fine", although he says it out loud, I can still sense a bit of worry behind kirishima's words.

"Yeah, you're right, we're just worrying because of what bakugo said earlier, he's probably just a little down", Mina glares at me, I don't know why.

I don't get to say more because Aizawa Sensei comes back in view,

"Alright, who's on duty, we need food", Ojiro and Hagakure raise their hands.

"We'll get right to it", he starts heading to the kitchen with Hagakure tailing him. Thank God I don't have to worry about dinner, not that their food is bad but I don't classify anything Hagakure cooks as good.

Well I better go make deku some soup, his mind will be so blown by it that he will instantly recover, I chuckle darkly, "Bakugo, what are you doing?"

"Eh, nothing, none of your business", how long has Icy-hot been sitting next to me, talk about creepy.

"Hmm, suspicious", he tries figuring me out,

"Let's just go get the nerd some food, you damn snoop", my legs already carrying me up, "right".

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