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Midoriya seems to be in distress, Bakugo just asked a question I think? Midoriya suddenly bolts to his room, Bakugo and I hot on his tail. The soup in the commons long forgotten, Bakugo convinced Aizawa Sensei to leave. The rest of the class were obviously worried too but Bakugo doesn't allow them near the stairs. I actually agree with him this time around, Midoriya would definitely feel overwhelmed with the crowd.

Due to the stop, Midoriya succeeded in locking himself up in his room, thankfully Bakugo still has the spare key given to us a while back. He tries talking Midoriya into opening the door for us, his voice frighteningly soft. We wait for a reply but got none so Bakugo decides to open the door only to have to hurry when we hear a whimper. It was faint but with the silence of the halls, audible.

Just as we enter, we are met by an almost limp greenette curled up on the floor,

"Deku!! Icy-hot help me out here", I don't have to be told twice,


I try reducing his temperature a bit with my ice part but he doesn't show any signs of waking up, I am beginning to panic and I'm sure so is Bakugo even if he doesn't show it. Bakugo carries the unconscious boy out and tosses me his phone,

"Aizawa sensei's name is somewhere there, tell him to let recovery girl know we are coming right this instant, move it", we are basically running with the speed we are walking, no one is downstairs, good.

I quickly do as I was asked, while keeping pace with Bakugo of course. We soon reach our destination and we don't bother knocking, honestly it skipped my mind. Recovery girl was there, ready to accept us, she leads us to an empty bed and Midoriya is carefully dropped there. She pushes us out saying we would be a distraction.

While sitting on the waiting chair outside, engulfed by an awkward silence, Aizawa Sensei jogs in stopping right in front of us,

"What happened?" Bakugo stays uncharacteristically quiet, noticed by both Sensei and myself, they are really close friends after all. I decide to do the talking.

"We followed him to his room and when we opened it, we met him passed out, his body was radiating too much heat and he was shivering, I tried reducing the bulk of the heat but he still wasn't responding so here we are".

At this moment I remember when the class were talking about how nice it would be to take care of a sick Midoriya, Bakugo was so against it back then, I can see why. I let a tear fall down my cheek, soon after dozens follow, at first silently until it turns into sobs. Midoriya has helped me a lot before and it hurts to see someone like him in anguish.

Sensei pats me on my head giving me a light hug and Bakugo assures me he will get better, weeelll, in his own way, I quote 'you two still have to be my lackeys when I am the number one hero', I had to refute.

We called Lida to let him and the class know that we weren't in the dorms, he gave us an earful but quickly expressed his concern for Midoriya and I assured him too that Midoriya will be fine. I really hope he bounces back to health, I really do.

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