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"How do you feel? Your classmates have been worried especially Todoroki and surprisingly Bakugo. Those two have been waiting outside, would you like them to come in, if not I'll-", it is definitely recovery girl and someone just barged in, I hope all is well.


"Is the nerd awa-, DEKU!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED YOU MADE THOSE, HAH?! Do you know how worried you made me?" He said the last sentence really quiet but I still heard it and I couldn't help but smile a little, typical kacchan.

"Midoriya, we were really worried, how do you feel now?" They both sit at the edge of my bed.

I feel bad for causing them trouble always. My head still rings, other than that I think I am feeling better, I place the biggest smile I can,

"I'm fine now Todoroki, sorry for worrying you all", I then turn to recovery girl who is busy checking my vitals.

"Can I go now?" Kacchan and Todoroki both look at me as if I am crazy,

"What?" Recovery girl must be tired by now because of how much I come here, can't control my quirk you know... I just don't want to stay here longer than needed.

Kacchan looks... Mad? He is about to say something but recovery girl saved me, yeah I said saved, judging from the way his vein was popping out I was gonna get an earful.

"His body temperature is still above normal but no longer at a dangerous level so he can leave if he so wishes, I guess his dorm would give him the best comfort. Are you sure you want to go, Midoriya?" I nod my head almost immediately, I don't want to impose.

She sighs, reminds me of Sensei, "take these twice daily and you should feel better soon, as for your quirk er, mishaps, I'm sorry I think you should just immerse yourself in cold water whenever it occurs. I am against you taking quirk suppressants when you are this weak, what were you thinking?"

Kacchan gives me the 'look'and I look at Todoroki to help me with recovery girl's nagging but he just gives me a cross look. Some people say that these two are the most difficult to read based on expressions but I can read them like an open book.

After collecting my meds, I slowly stand, I've learned not to stand up too quickly. My knees feel like jello and I try my best not to give away that I am having difficulty walking.

"Midoriya, you need help?" Todoroki steps closer to me, I would have denied if it wasn't for the fact that kacchan is glaring at me, daring me to lie.

"Yes, actually, thanks" I hear a 'tch' and then kacchan and Todoroki support me on both sides as we make our way out.

My headache reduces with time but I still feel weak even when we reach our dorms. The door opens wide and I see all my classmates in the common room staring at me.

Boy am I not ready for this.

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