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The journey to class is really stressful as I feel myself get worse by the minute. I can barely stand straight and not having breakfast does not help but I doubt it would have stayed down if I had eaten.

Due to me being slow, I arrive at the door of class 1-a last, I wonder how I managed to do that. After long excruciating seconds, I walk in, the whole class's attention shifts to me.

"Good morning Aizawa Sensei, sorry for being late", I flash a really wide smile and rub my neck when he asks me why I am late.

"I might have overslept, sorry", I just need to get to my seat, smiling is enough to worsen my situation already, I don't want to be standing here meaninglessly.

Aizawa Sensei continues the lesson and I am really unlucky, I have to say. Of all days to spar, it had to be today. I usually love the practicals but today, anything that isn't my bed just seems to be irritating.

"Midoriya Vs Bakugo", the universe is against me, kacchan is definitely going all out and will get mad if I don't reciprocate.

The other matches start but I stand there thinking, no, I have to do it. We both take our stands and I struggle to keep my eyes open.

"Oi nerd, let's start already", kacchan says angrily and I involuntarily stutter a yes.

The nerd looks dazed, well since he entered the class actually. I wonder if something's wrong, he never comes to class late, I will ask him later, for now I think I should take it easy on him, it seems his concentration is not here.

We move with ease although a bit slow and it makes me wonder what he is stressing about, he is always stressing.

"Bakugo wins" , Aizawa sensei's voice brings me back from my thoughts, deku just gets up from the floor and Aizawa Sensei and I share the same look. The match was too easy.

"It was a good match kacchan" that is all he says before he walks away but I notice some sparks of green electricity flying around him, wait is he offended that he lost? That's a first.

"Midoriya do you mind tossing me the ball next to you?" I look down to see a ball much like the one Aizawa Sensei used to test us in our first class.

"Ah, no problem Todoroki", he gives it a slight push upwards, did it stop? No, it kept on going into the sky to God knows where.

"Todoroki I am so sorry, I was thinking and then I accidentally-", "it's fine, I can use another one" Todoroki quickly cuts in, now, that was strange.
It seems Todoroki also noticed but doesn't say anything.

I think my quirk is getting out of control, this is bad, I hardly fall sick but when I do, it's real bad and ever since I got my quirk it goes wonky whenever I fall ill. I need to get to my dorm and take my quirk suppressant, it hurts whenever I take it but I can't have my quirk going haywire and causing harm to my friends.

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