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I knew something was wrong with problem child, throughout the day, he didn't seem his bright self. I'm sure Bakugo forced him to admit it because knowing problem child, he would hide it. It's just in his nature, he feels like a burden and I have no idea why.

Bakugo said he is sleeping so I walk in, he is NOT asleep, instead he is on the ground trying to stand, I easily help him up. He breathes in puffs trying to stabilise his breathing, I wait patiently for him.

"Midoriya, are you okay now?" I notice he has calmed down.

"y-yeah, I-I'm fine", he tries to stand again but just collapses in my arms. "s-sorry",

"You don't have to apologize, why don't you come have some food downstairs", he looks a little bit in thought.

"s-sure, I w-will be th-there in 5 minutes", I wonder what he wants to do, he doesn't look alright in the slightest.

"You are not coming now? Nevermind, I will wait for you", he shakes his head,

"n-no, you don't have to stay, I will be down soon",

"Are you sure? I can wait", I did come here because of him.

"Yes I am sure, just need a moment to boot", he gives a small smile.

Well I guess I can leave him be and go see how it goes with those idiots, I walk down and settle that issue then go to the front yard to get some air while calling recovery girl.

"Hello Shouta, what seems to be the problem?" So like her to jump straight to the matter, I am glad though.

"Evening, it is problem child. I think he is sick with a cold, I just thought I should let you know", I give her time to swallow what I said, though I know it's just a cold, I also know that she has a soft spot for that kid. She sighs in the background,

"It's always him, I don't know whether I should be happy or worried this time he didn't destroy his body. Anyways, since you said it's just a cold, you and your class should be able to take care of him. I have a lot of things to do but if it gets really bad, bring him here. Take care and tell him I said hi", the call ended.

I walk back in to see bakugo supporting a frail looking greenette and many gasps at his soft character. Midoriya gets bombarded with questions like 'how do you feel?', 'do you need anything?' and stuff like that, he just waits for them to quiet down.

"I am fine, I am sorry if I worried you", his voice scratchy. How many times do I have to tell him he is not bothering anyone? He sits on the unoccupied couch, with bakugo's help of course.

"Oi deku, don't go sleeping on me, I am going to the kitchen to get soup, hey kirishima keep an eye on him before I get back, Icy-hot let's go", kirishima replies with a 'yes boss', Icy-hot sluggishly gets up and Midoriya just stares blankly, does he even know where he is?

"Bakugo do I have to come, you can do everything yourself and you know I can't help much", the glare bakugo has pinned on Todoroki makes the latter shut up and just follow. I am guessing there is no actual reason bakugo dragged Todoroki with him. I noticed Bakugo, Todoroki and Midoriya have gotten extremely close recently.

Time flies with laughs here and there, Lida's stern warnings, kirishima and kaminari's endless teasing of the poor sickie and countless yells from the kitchen- "AHH Midobro, is that supposed to happen?" Is what pulls me out of my thought process.

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