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Yep, something's up with the nerd. He didn't even eat up to half of the food, I think I should go to his room after eating, even Icy-hot is worried. The way he scurries off, I can't wait to finish my food, I get up after him.

"Bakugo, where are you going?" It's very obvious yet Icy-hot still wants me to reply, tch!

"To make sure that damn nerd doesn't die", he just starts clearing the plates, yeah I am totally not coming back to eat.

I walk hurriedly but I have lost sight of deku, he's fast. I plan on going his room when I hear something drop from, the bathroom!! I contemplate entering and asking if he's fine from here, the nerd is quite secretive.

To hell with that, I'm going in. Well, that was the plan before he opened the door, he looks really out of it and almost immediately his face turns into a greenish hue and he's back in the stall.

My body moves faster than my mind and in the next second I am behind deku, thank goodness because it seems like he is going to collapse any moment now.

Just as I suspected he starts going lower and I quickly hold him back up. His body radiates heat and he is trembling, like a lot. I know deku dislikes throwing up, to be fair everyone does. With one last heave, his head is flying directly above the toilet and all the food he ate comes spewing out, you can hear the bubbling sound from his throat, he must feel awful.

I carefully hold up his hair and rub his back, we are both now on our knees. I am not sure if I am helping but I do remember deku and mum doing this to me whenever I get sick. Like I said, the nerd hardly falls ill. He usually helps me get through most of my sick days but I have only taken care of him once, no, twice, this looks worse than both times.

When he is done, he makes to sit on the ground but I need to get him to bed so I gently pull him up. Dull emerald eyes stare at me but I don't think he is looking at me, it's as though he is in a daze. My hands wrap around his shoulder and I lead him to his room, still he doesn't notice. I lay him on his bed, the nerds room lacks much color, it consists mainly of black and dark green. (unlike in the canon, yeah many things are different am I right?).

Deku squints his eyes trying to get a good look at me, when realisation dawns, he sits up really fast, he has to lie down back groaning and clutching his head.

"You can be stupid, you know that?" I roll my eyes and scramble to his wardrobe to get him nightwear. I settle for  a green sweatpants and a big shirt he wears at times.

"Let's get you out of those clothes", they look comfortable but I am sure some of his vomit is on it. I literally have to force the clothes off him and replace them.

"Kacchan, it's cold, my hoodie", he whines though it comes out hushed. The last time he acted this way was in years. I get him more layers of blanket instead and carry the dirty clothes to the laundry room.

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