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I just finished making soup, chicken soup to be precise and I am admiring my work. It looks amazing considering I did it in such a short period of time and with this idiot making a mess of everything. I turn to see the idiot in question staring back at me with a blank expression,

"Bakugo, I told you I wouldn't be of any help", "shut up", I will never admit it but I enjoy the company, if deku was not in this state, he would have been the one I force to come, not that I would need to use force with the nerd. That guy's too kind for his own good.

Icy-hot carries the bowl and we return to the living room just in time to hear kirishima shriek, "AHH Midobro is that supposed to happen?" Upon hearing deku's name, my eyes automatically fixate on his slumped body.

Sparks of green electricity has started enclosing his entire body, his hair and eyes lighting up. His quirk has started showing, honestly I expected it to happen since so I was surprised that he seemed fine up until now.

Deku's face scrunches, he must be in pain but despite that he still tries to hold in his quirk, you can see it from the way he shuts his eyes tightly with so much concentration. Thankfully Sensei doesn't need to be told because all the sparks and wind surrounding deku suddenly dies and I run to crouch next to him. His eyes are still closed but I know he is aware of our presence,

"I-I'm sorry Sensei, everybody, I keep causing trouble", he still talks like this I see. Sensei looks like he has had enough with this,

"That's enough out of you, it's not like you wanted to fall ill. Please just allow us to take care of you", yeah like that would stop him.

"I'm sorry, I'll be in my room", Aizawa Sensei sighs, rubbing his hand down his face,

"wait, Sensei, have you picked Eri from school", deku turns to face Sensei with tired eyes, he in turn pales. It beats me how this guy can be dying and still be thinking of someone else's safety.

"Oh shit", he looks like he is contemplating then it hits me,

"teach, you can go I can take care of the nerd", I hold my head up proudly but huff when he gives me a sceptical look.

"I won't kill him geez, besides I think I can take care of him best amongst us", I am met with some grunts of opposition but I care not and it seems neither does Sensei.

"Call me or recovery girl if needed", I can't help but laugh a little, Izu over there looks like he has given up on life, he must feel like a charity case, HAH!

Just before Sensei leaves, a strong puff of air knocks the couch next to me, Aizawa Sensei activates his quirk. We all turn to face deku and he looks back guiltily,

"I'm sorry, I should really head in", he tries standing up, leaning on the arm of the couch.

"I don't think I should leave, maybe I could ask Mirio to get Eri, it is obvious my quirk is needed here",

"No don't worry about me, this won't happen again as long as I get to my room so... I'm just going to...", He starts moving towards the stairs , with much difficulty if I must say. Aizawa Sensei stops him.

"How are you planning on stopping it by staying in your room?" Now that he mentions it, that does pique my curiosity.

"Yeah, I am also wondering, your quirk lasted longer than expected before it started misbehaving".

Izu justs looks around, guilt clear as day on his face. Why would he feel guilty, it's not like he did anything.... No, don't tell me....

"Deku, don't tell me you did what I think. Talk to me, do you still have those quirk suppressant drugs?"

Hello guys, just wanted to say something real quick. So, Bakugo calls Midoriya Izu too, I seriously don't have a reason, I just thought if he is on a best friend basis with deku it won't be weird.

Thank you all for giving my story a shot, it really means a lot, thanks. Anyways byeee!

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