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I fall asleep during the rest of my class, not surprising, although the sleep was not a comfortable one. As the class comes to an end, I get nudged by Todoroki. I was mortified, there is a clear string of drool attached to the desk, I quickly clean it with a handkerchief. I don't get to talk,

"Midoriya, I would like to have a word with you", sensei's tired voice echoes through the class. I start to think of what I have done wrong as th the class exits, some sending me pity glances.


"y-yes, Sensei", he has an unreadable expression.

"You look pale and you have bags underneath your eyes", did everyone notice the bags?

"They're not noticeable, but you do look awful", right, I forget how observant Aizawa Sensei can be.

I fooled the rest, I can do the same to him, I smile a little, "I just slept really late yesterday so I am facing the consequences", I say it with a chuckle.

"I hope you are not overworking yourself, problem child. You just defeated overhaul single-handedly, you need rest", he narrows his eyes at me but that's as far as it gets, he doesn't get suspicious, yay.

"Sure, Aizawa Sensei, I will go straight to my dorm",  he just waves me off.

I wasn't lying when I said I would go to my dorm straight, I need to get to the bathroom, that's a given. My stomach keeps churning and I have to swallow a few times to prevent myself from throwing up.

I get to the dorm as quick as my sorry legs can take me, I am glad I told Todoroki, Lida, Tsu and Uraraka not to wait for me or I would have taken longer to get to the dorms.

Immediately I enter I make a bee line for the stairs only to be cut by Sero, "hey, Midoriya, we were thinking of watching a movie and you have to watch it with us, you promised that you would watch last time", I did say that, looks like I can't get out of movie night.

I half jog to the bathroom, not having the liberty to check if anyone is there, the puke ready to burst out as I lean against the toilet.

My hand grips the sides of the seat aggressively as nothing comes out just dry heaves and I feel a lot worse than in the morning.

With a little more massage of my stomach and the thought of eating anything at the moment, I finally feel myself tense up as the still undigested food of last night finds it's way out, chunk after chunk. Just some minutes before, I was desperate to bring it all out but now I want it all to stop, I start feeling dizzy but still clutch the toilet for dear life. I have brought out everything I can, all I keep vomiting is bile, probably because I didn't have breakfast, or lunch.

When I feel I am done I sit back on the ground leaning on the wall, beads of sweat still visible after it all. I need to get up lest they come looking for me, I don't want to be a bother to anyone, I don't want to worry anyone, I keep on dragging them down.

After a lot of effort I slowly stand so I don't get dizzy again, I flush, then go wash my face and hands. Before joining the others downstairs, I change into something comfortable. Basically just a hoodie and sweatpants, I feel a bit chilly.

I also take my quirk suppressant then I go down after failing to find some painkillers, I would be able to hold on, I just have to watch some movies and come back to my dorm.

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