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"Deku, don't tell me you did what I think. Talk to me, do you still have those quirk suppressant drugs?"


"DAMNIT, you know they cause you pain, why don't you listen at all? Ugh!"

I just turn and run as fast as I can with full cowl, to my room and crash on the floor immediately I locked it. Using my quirk when I am sick hurts a lot, I can barely move and even when I do, I wince in pain.

My damn quirk activates again, this time straight up hurting me, I groan in pain as tears well up, threatening to fall.

The room is quiet except for my laboured breathing and shivering, I know I am sweating but right now I feel like I am buried in the freezing ocean. Two soft knocks make it known I have company, I can just ignore it, my door is locked. Wait, last week I gave kacchan and Todoroki a spare so that they can come in and use my computer (mine is more advanced). I hope they don't use it.

I very well know it's kacchan, it has to be,

"Hey Izu, I am sorry for getting all aggressive, please let us come in, I know you are in pain", why is he apologising, he did nothing wrong. Who is he with, I can't let them see me in this pathetic state, I try to calm down before answering the door but an unbearable pain shoots through my head and I hold onto it for dear life rolling around. By now tears have started streaming down my face but I make minimum noise, reason being that I don't want them hearing. A pained whimper escapes my covered mouth when another wave of pain leaves me squirming more.

I hear the shuffling of keys, the opening of the door and thumping of feet,

"Deku!! Icy-hot help me out here", I can hear Todoroki's voice, he's replying kacchan but my mind is not registering any of the words said. I can no longer see anything, I can no longer hear anything, total darkness.


My eyes feel heavy, my head feels better, a bit, I think? It also has this cold sensation to it, I slowly open my eyes and they get painfully stuck to the white ceiling.

The dorm ceilings are white but my curtains are not drawn, so my room should be dark but this just screams light. My next course of action is getting up to survey my surrounding which ends in failure. Immediately I sit up, the cold sensation leaves as a white clothe falls to the floor. My whole world turns upside down and I fall back with a thump. I try opening my eyes again but the ache is unbearable, do I have a migraine? Don't think so, why does it hurt so bad?

My whole body causes me so much suffering, I blink severally before opening my eyes with a groan.

"It seems you are awake", that sounds like recovery girl I'm not too sure.

"How do you feel? Your classmates have been worried especially Todoroki and surprisingly Bakugo. Those two have been waiting outside, would you like them to come in, if not I'll-", it is definitely recovery girl and someone just barged in, I hope all is well.

Thank you all yet again for reading, it really makes me happy 😊

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