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I walk into the kitchen not really paying attention to anything aside from my pounding headache, there, standing on the kitchen counter, is the glass of water I desperately need.

Taking a sit, I grab it and proceed to down it but immediately frown at the idea, it will probably come back up as quick and I hate vomiting. I take the water sip by sip and I have to close my eyes a couple of times because of the pain AND the way it swayed in my stomach.

"Midoriya, is everything alright with you?" Todoroki suddenly makes his presence known to me resulting in a shriek from me,

"Ah, Todoroki you scared me there for a second, I'm fine just came to have some water", Todoroki looks like he has something to say but he just lets it be.

He stares straight ahead and I follow his gaze to meet kacchan's, double scare, how did I not notice them?

He sets some plates on the table ready to dish out some food, the look, enough to make my stomach flip, I should leave now, I get up abruptly to leave but my hand gets pulled on.

"Where do you think you are going? Grab a plate" kacchan gestures to one of the plates and Todoroki takes another. I seriously don't think that's good, I know for a fact it will have a negative effect on me later.

"Well are you going to keep standing there like an idiot?" I let out a nervous laugh and sit down opposite kacchan before he blows me up.

With every little bite, my stomach churns but if I leave the food as is, kacchan and Todoroki will question me. I keep on eating at a slow but steady pace, not paying attention to the two pairs of eyes watching me closely.

After taking the next bite, my stomach decides that this is as far as it can go with a large churn that I have to swallow back some vomit. The good news is that I have eaten nearly half the plate of food so I think I can go.

"Kacchan, your food tasted amazing, I am just not really hungry", I push the food away slightly and surprisingly he doesn't start yelling, instead he grabbed the plate and dished out the remaining food into his plate.

"So.... I will be in my room", I use my thumb to point towards the kitchen entry,

"Wait, Midoriya..... are you okay? You know you can tell me anything", Todoroki is really nice and that's why I don't want to worry him.

"Yeah, I know, I am totally fine", I quickly leave, any minute later and there could be an 'accident'. Kacchan remains quiet and I find that really strange, I actually thought he would be the one to notice, but I guess I was wrong.

Immediately I turn the corner to the bathroom, my head starts spinning more, my hand stays firmly attached to my mouth and I double over each time a powerful surge of pain passes through my body. I recklessly enter the first stall knocking things down with me as I squat in front of the toilet,  the food keeps threatening to come out yet doesn't, this is all just frustrating. I stay there for a while before giving up, it won't come out, maybe I should go rest.

I walk out and stop in my tracks, CLEARLY I am seeing wrong, Kacchan is standing right outside the door. I don't get the chance to confirm though as I suddenly feel the intense need to hurl.

I turn back, opening the door roughly before bending down over the toilet coughing and my food coming out with it, my eyes keep forcing themselves shut and it takes a lot of willpower not to collapse and spoil myself.

Just as I am about to fall, I feel two hands holding me in place. Kacchan

Thank you for sparing my story a look

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