Chapter 9: Ya Sahibata❤️

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Don't dream your life, live your dream🖤.


"Sannu dazuwa(welcome back)".ammiey said hugging her husband.

"Thank you baby".Daddy replied Hugging her back.

"Awwwww. It seems like daddy didn't missed us he just missed his wife".Ihsan said pouting.

"Haba princess I missed you mana". Daddy said

"Where is the other princess?"Daddy asked.

Anayah! Anayah daddy is back. Ihsan squealed.

She came out of the kitchen holding a cake she just finished decorating. She dropped the cake on the dining table where different varieties of food are kept.

"Sannu da zuwa daddy! Ina wuni". Anayah greeted.

"Lfy qlau Anayah."Daddy replied.

"Am fine daddy Alhmdllh". She answered
Mashaa Allah.

Where is Aima.....daddy was cut off with a bone crushing hug.

"Oyoyo daddy naaa I missed you". Aiman Said hugging his dad.

"I missed you more auta, I bought the ps5 for you". Daddy replied.

"Wow! Thank you so much daddy I love you". Aiman replied.

"Now allow daddy to refreshen up then we will eat our lunch". Ammeiy said.

"So Anayah, tell me about your dreams".Daddy stated when he finished eating his food and is now eating fruits.

"My dreams is to have a NGO and become a lawyer". She shrugged lamely.

"That's very good. You are done with secondary school right?" He asked.

Yes! She beamed.

"That's nice. How about you join Ihsan since she is starting her university after Adnan's wedding". He suggested.

"Really!? Oh my Allah, thank you so much. I would love that". She grinned widely.

"It's settled then, uni starts after adnan's wedding". Daddy grinned at her.

"Am gonna miss you so much sisters". Aiman Said sadly.

"Sorry baby bro". Anayah and Ihsan said in unison.

"Hammad is also coming back the day after tomorrow Inshaa Allah.Daddy beamed.

"Wow! We can't wait to see him".Ihsan said smiling.
Hmm finally dai zanga yaya hammad dinnan. Anayah thought.

"Anjima tailor din zae kawo kayan ku". Ammeiy said.

Okay ammiey the girls replied In unison while packing the plates.

"Gobe Inshaa Allah Hajia zasu zo". Daddy told them.

"Allah ya kawo su lafiya. Ammiey said smiling
Yay! I can't wait to see her". Ihsan and adnan said.

"Kaii kayan sunyi kyau sosai! We gonna rock this wedding". Ihsan said happily.

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