Chapter 12: Friday To Remember🎉

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1 year later,
Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi,
Abu Dhabi,U.A.E.

Starting university can be a wonderful experience,but it can also bring its own unique challenges.

The lecture hall was filled with students as everyone minds their business while some are having group discussions before the lecturer comes in.

Not long after an American man walk through the door with some files. And the lecture starts.

Ihsan lazily walks out of the lecture hall and sighs, she reached for a public bench and sit as she relax and wait for her twinyy. Speaking of her twinyy, Anayah has become her bestie in a short period of time they share everything together and always wear matching outfits. Just on queue Anayah arrives.

"Hey twinyy". Anayah said.

"Yooo! Don't twinyy me,Do you know how long I have been waiting for you idiot neh?" She rants as she glared at her playfully.

"Ahh sorry my love,that American man delayed us". She hissed.

"Let's go abegg keep quiet uwar magana". Ihsan said smirking.

"Hehe! Toh mamana". Anayah said.

They walked to the bus stop to get a cab. Shortly after they get a cab and tell him the address,the drive was silence as each one of them use their phone, the drive wasn't long since their apartment is close to their school.

On reaching their apartment they went directly to their kitchen to look for something to feed their already grumbling stomach,it's in the moment like this ihsan get to appreciate the presence of Anayah in her life. She's indeed a great cook.

Anayah warmed the jollof rice for them and they both dived in.

After they finished eating they did the dishes and took their baths,prayed zuhr and slept off.
Ding! She heard the sound of their door bell.
Anayah get down from the bed and put on her scarf. She opened the door and found their friend Farhana smiling widely at her.

"Farhanaaaaa. Welcome!" Anayah said hugging her while moving from the door.

"Thank you! Na tashe ku? It seems like you are sleeping". Farhana said.

"No haba. Bakomai, beside it's almost time for Asr prayer". Anayahs said.

They sat down on the sofa while Anayah brought refreshments for her.

"Where's Ihsan?".Farhana asked.

"Ihsan is sleeping" .Anayah answered.

"Okay ai wlh she must wake up". Said Farhana while laughing.

"Let's go and wake her up". Farhana said dragging Anayah.

Farhana played the song In my Maserati by olakira and reduced the volume. She walked cautiously to sleeping beauty while Anayah was shooting a video. Anayah winked at her and she increased the volume in Ihsan's ear.

"Wallahi Aiman if I catch you zaka sani". She said dragging the duvet.

Anayah and Farhana stiffed their giggles and laughters.

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