Chapter 13: My Prince charming❤️

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Anayah just finished her assignment in their apartment and came out to meet Ihsan and their friends that have been waiting for her.

"Anayahhhh" a girl named Fatima screamed on seeing Anayah, the girl is very beautiful and also a Nigerian from Bakori, Katsina state that's why they clicked so fast.

"Fatima, Ihsan and Trisha" Anayah replied with the same enthusiasm.

"How are y'all doing?" She asked.

"We are fine. And you?". They replied in unison.

"Mashaa Allah". She said

"Are you done with the assignment ?". Trisha asked

"Yes. Am done". Anayah replied.

"Alright". Fatima said

"Ihsannnnnnnn". Anayah tapped ihsan that is so engrossed in her phone and busy smiling like a Cheshire Cat and oblivious to her environment.

"Uhh... hmmm.. Anayah kin gama". Ihsan said

"Yes! I came out and you are so busy on your phone and smiling". Anayah said winking.

"Hmmm... So what's up". She asked

"The sky obviously". Anayah said.
She made a mental note to ask ihsan the reason behind that smile.

The girls went for a walk around their apartment and came back home later.

Hammad just landed in Abu Dhabi he wanted to surprise his baby sisters. Speaking of baby sisters that Anayah is his on maternal cousin. Her mom was his favorite before she died. He really missed her. He could still remember his childhood memories with her when they visited Plateau state.

He thought about everything and nothing. He remembered his ex Aseeya she broke up with him 2 years ago, she's always complaining that he don't have her time despite his work. He thought she will understand him but she didn't so he let her be. He promised to never date again. But then his ammeiy also wants him to get married. He shrugged the thought and dialed Ihsan's number.

Anayah finished cooking while Ihsan sets the table while she was keeping the cocktail her phone rang. She quickly wiped her hand with a towel and picked the call.

"Yaya Hammad". She smiled

"Yes baby sis, Guess what". He said

"Ummm.. you have gotten me a beeyouteeful sister. Huh!" She said.

"No,try again". He said.

"Ummm. Just tell me". She said

"No. So how are you doing and Inayah koh?" He asked.

"We are fine yaya and her name is Anayah not Inayah ooo". She said.

Anayah quickly stared at her when she mentioned her name.

"Ohhh... Anaayah". He muttered.

"Good, how's work?". She asked.

"Alhamdulillah". He said.

All this while. She kept quite while brother and sister continue conversing.

"Mmm... Twinyy.. come and say Hi it's yaya Hammad". Ihsan said.

"Okay". She said collecting the phone.

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