Technology and Christmas plans

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No Pov-

The five adults sat together at one end of the kitchen table of 12 Grimmauld Place as they finished their lunch. When Sophia finished she rose from her seat and went to retrieve her satchel bag from the entrance hall upstairs. Upon returning Sophie retook her seat at the table between her father and her sister and across from the Longbottoms. From her bag she retrieved a few items; A laptop computer, a camera, a smart phone, a tablet and what looked like a power adapter.

"These are bits of Muggle technology, though the power adapter allows it to work in the magical world. It took a while to develop it and it can malfunction and go caput still. Technically it is still in development but muggleborns often get them before attending Hogwarts. Anyway let's move onto the other bits. Let's start small with the smartphone. A phone is no longer just for making calls or texting, you can search things online, take photos, go on social media, find and reconnect with old friends, all sorts really"

"All that in that small thing? That's amazing and really cool" France smiled

Sophia smiled widely "next is a digital Camera, because some of us still like to use them. The Daily Prophet are developing magical ones so they can have moving pictures without them being videos."

" Lily used to talk about digital cameras, she had a polaroid camera though"

"Polaroids are still popular, I'll see if I can get her a new one for christmas. Next is a tablet. It's like a bigger Smartphone but can be a Big help for note taking, video calls, art making, all sorts of stuff that smartphone screens are too small for"

Alice picked the tablet up extremely intrigued by it "that sounds cool and useful, it must really help people with disabilities"

"It is and it really does help. And finally the laptop computer. It's a personal portable computer. T works just like a computer and does everything a computer will. The web is fun but Rita Skeeter wrote some messed up books on Harry's life so you may find some weird stuff out there made by fans of the books."

"How bad are the books exactly?"

"Extremely, you really don't want to read them"

"Noted, I'll avoid the books to the best of my ability. Also given the fact I've not been thrown in Azkaban I've been proven innocent."

"Yep, Clean record and everything don't worry"

"No more house arrest? Awesome. I can go outside instead of being cooped up?"

"Why were you on house arrest?" Frank asked genuinely confused and worried by the statement.

"I was on the run from the ministry after escaping from Azkaban. Dumbledore put me on house arrest in this god forsaken house after 'you-know-who' returned. Yet he was the one who all but condemned me to Azkaban without a trail in 1981"

"His motives always risked lives, he always blurred the line between Good and evil" Seraphina commented

"And he Never changed. He sent Hagrid to recruit Giants to the cause. Didn't work of course, death eaters were there with the giants already, Albus was mad" Sirius said annoyed

"There's no sign of his return from death but I hope he doesn't return. Same with snape" Seraphina said completely honestly adding onto what her father had said

"Saving Harry doesn't make up for what he did throughout his life, that's for both of them" Sophia added

"But we are keeping an eye out for Uncle Regulus, but given what happened and where he died means he'll most likely turn up here. You may be the first to see him, if he does and if you can, take him to the ministry to see Harry"

"I never knew how he died you know"

"He was obtaining one of Voldemort's horcruxes. It was in a cave, in a pensive of sorts, filled with poison that you HAD to drink to empty and retrieve the locket that belonged to Salazar Slytherin. He swapped the real locket for a replica. He had Kreature take it to try and destroy it. Harry and Dumbledore retrieved the fake at the end of Harry's Sixth year. Uncle Reg died in the cave but because of the poison we aren't sure if he lived long enough to see 1980" Sophie Explained

"He died a good guy then?"

"Yeah in his poisoned state after realising he wasn't getting out of there and wasn't going to get to destroy it, begged Kreature to destroy it. We're hoping he returns. Anyway we should move on to discuss Christmas plans. Whether it's here or at the manor we want to include you all minus Tonks and dad of course. If you guys want to buy gifts for people you can but you don't have to, but we can help you get gifts if you want to get gifts"

Sirius, Frank and Alice all nodded while thinking about if and who they would even get gifts for. Sirius debated Lily, James and Harry's family and his own daughters and their families. While Frank and Alice thought about Neville.

Frank was the first of the trio to speak up "what sorts of plants would Nevville be interested in?"

"All sorts muggle and magical" seraphina smiled

"What about succulents?"

"He likes them. He had a cactus in 4th year, may I suggest Dracaena Trifasciata. It's a tropical west african succulent"

Frank lit up "that sounds great, can you help us get hold of one for him"

"Of course, I dare say you all need some new clothes, we can take you to get some from either the magical or muggle world"

The three returners nodded knowing they Definitely needed more and new clothing. Sophia smiled at them all, a plan for the next few days forming.

How about you guys get settled in and tomorrow we can go shopping, it gives us time to discuss christmas plans with everyone especially Harry and Teddy" She said happily

Sirius smiled knowing his daughters really did care and just wanted to help people. He loved seeing how happy they were and how far they had come since their teenage years.

The rest of the day was spent with them settling in and learning to use modern technology with the help of Seraphina. While Sophia wrote letters to be sent by owl and called Harry over the Floo network to discuss Christmas plans. 

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