Waking up

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Disclaimer I don't own anything but the story line, all characters belong to jk Rowling.


Sirius' POV-

I opened my eyes, groaning when I realised I was in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic, where I had died. I sat up and looked up at the veil in front of me. It was almost as though it had spat me out, although I couldn't distinguish why it had done so. I slowly stood up and stumbled out of the Department of Mysteries and up to the main entrance of the Ministry. I noticed a lot of officials staring at me which was unsurprising, I didn't know how long it had been since I fell through the veil. I stumbled to the nearest person I could, being a little dizzy from coming out of the veil, which I don't even know why or how it happened.

"Excuse me?" I asked shakily. When the person turned around he looked like an adult version of one of the weasley children, specifically Ron. This was weird. Last I knew Ron was fifteen, how long has it been since I... died?

"Hello? Wait, Sirius? Is that you?" Ron was understandably shocked and pulled me off to one side away from prying eyes understandably, seeing as it seems to have been a while since I was alive. What happened? I couldn't remember much except me yelling 'nice one, James' to Harry. I wonder where Harry, Hermione, Remus and everyone else was.

"Right, we need to get you to the head auror's office quickly. He'll tell you everything and take you to St Mungo's with the other returners of the day that have been rounded up," Ron spoke. That was weird. The term 'returners' confused me. When I looked at Ron again after looking around he had already begun to walk off which meant I had to jog to catch up. At this point I realised it was 12 noon, I probably made him late for lunch or something by turning up. That wasn't good, seeing as if he was anything like when he was a teen, he loves food so much. I wanted to tell him he could go because I knew the way from my stint training to be an auror but he would refuse because it would be a security risk.

He had me wait outside the office while he went inside to talk to the head auror, which gave me a few minutes to question how long it had been and who the head auror might be. When he came out he said I could go in and then left. Upon entering the office, I took a double take upon seeing the head auror thinking for a moment it was James before noticing the green eyes of Lily and realising it was in fact the man before me was Harry, my godson. Harry went into Auror training? That seemed weird, he went through a lot as a child, I'd have thought he'd want to spend the rest of his life in retirement, especially if he had gotten rid of Voldemort - which I knew had happened from watching his life after he died.

"Harry?" I asked with shock. Harry was head auror? Hah, take that Lily, were you alive you'd owe me ten galleons.

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