Whats happened since the war

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After lunch was made they all sat at the long table in the kitchen over going upstairs to the formal dining room. As they ate, Sirius watched his daughters taking them in, he decided to take the moment of silence to ask one question, "so, are you going to tell me what you've been up to since the war ended?" Sirius was just curious about his daughters' lives.

Seraphina smiled and spoke first "I teach potions at Hogwarts. I don't teach the way Snape did, it's closer to Slughorn's but I don't have an elite group of students. I married Lee Jordan 2 years after the war, he works at the joke shop with George. He also hosts a radio show which with how many people are returning will become more frequent. We also have a son called George who is just as mischievous as his namesake and uncle."

Sophia spoke up once Seraphina finished "I work for the ministry in lycropanthy rights and relations. We're no longer labelled as werewolves but lycropanthy victims, thanks to Hermione of course and her lupin's law, we're allowed to get jobs and have fair pay. Draco is an Auror with Harry and Ron. He sometimes joins Harry when he visits Hogwarts to teach Defence against the dark arts. Siri works for the Daily Prophet though her workload has increased with people returning. Scorpius is studying at Hogwarts, he's in the same class as Harry's son Albus. They're actually dating now and I'm so happy to see that he's found someone that makes him happy," Sophia's smile was happy and full of pride.

Sirius' smile mirrored his daughters'. "Finally. It's about time that happened, you, Draco and Hermione have done so much for people inflicted with lycanthropy. That means the world to a lot of people and a lot of families. I'm proud of all of you, including you Seraphina. I bet everyone was shocked when you went into teaching, you could have been anything but I'm proud of your choice. You are both amazing women that I'm proud to call my daughters."

Frank thought for a moment "If memory serves the Ministry frowned upon were- lycanthrophy victims and Dumbledore loved to put them in danger."

Sirius nodded in agreement remembering the dangerous missions Remus had been put through.

Sophia saw the sadness in Sirius' eyes "I proposed to Draco a year after the war, we got married on your birthday a year after the war. We knew our daughter was gonna need both her parents. We had seen first hand what it was like to have just one or neither of your parents. The world seemed like it was on fire, we didn't her to experience the child any of us did, we wanted her to have a better childhood than the past 2 generations of the family. As well as our own kids we helped everyone else when we could, not to mention helping with dad's other child Teddy, I felt obligated because he's our half-brother who's parents died in the war. Harry's his godfather so with Aunt Andy we share time with him. Also I had written a letter to you about Siri before you know, Umbridge found out and told Draco's father. He was punished by being attacked by Greyback so he was like me. After that we spent every full moon together until Dumbledore died and I took Siri into hiding. Lucius didn't know until after the war that I had been helping Draco during the full moons, by then Lucius was already heading to Azkaban. Molly helped look after Siri during the first year during the academic year, Dad helped the first couple moons but after he got with nymphadora we took her during the moons instead. Dad had changed after getting together with her and not in a good way. He withdrew from our family. After my graduation during my hiding we jumped around small sleepy towns, we made sure to never get caught or spotted by anyone. Harry, Ron and Hermione also went on the run, when the time came for the final battle I left siri with a Muggle family I had become friends with in the last month and a half before the battle, they were Welsh and from the north, i guess it's a good thing dad insisted we learnt Welsh because they didn't know much English. During the battle dad and Dora, who is not our step mother, she doesn't deserve that privilege, died, Draco's parents pulled from the battle after Harry 'died' and took on Voldemort, they ran. After the war ended Lucius went to Azkaban and Narcissa offered me and Siri a home at Malfoy Manor so we'd have a safe home and Draco knew it was safe. Siri was a Ravenclaw and lives here in London and Scorpius is Slytherin like his father. Seraphina makes sure nothing too bad happens as she's head of Slytherin."

Sirius smiled as he listened to everything "honestly I still can't believe you dated and married the son of that foul Lucius Malfoy. You're cousins but you have other genes coming into the bloodline so it's less dangerous. I keep saying this but I really am proud of you and how strong you are. Also I hope you both know I'm excited to meet my grandkids."

"You won't have to wait long. Normally we'd have Christmas here but I think if I sent out owls I could convince people to have it at the Manor instead so you'd still have your privacy," Sophia suggested knowing it was best to at least offer an alternative so privacy wasn't ignored. She wanted to make sure Sirius was comfortable "but I also don't want to exclude Teddy even if we're excluding dad and Nymphadora. Teddy hasn't done anything wrong and he's used to being surrounded by everyone during the holidays. If he's banned because of his parents it could cause resentment towards them. Though I'm not totally against that I don't want to make that decision for him, I don't want to force his opinions, I'll discuss it later with him and Harry"

Sirius nodded understanding what his daughter meant "what about two Christmases?"

"If I'm being honest I don't think any of us honestly want to spend Christmas or even see Teddy's parents right now, as I said I'll work something out with Teddy and Harry later. Right now we need to introduce you guys to modern technology," Sophia smiled wide as she went to retrieve her satchel

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