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No pov-

"Harry?" Sirius asked softly, wanting to be sure it was his godson, although from his animagus senses, he knew how he smelt.

Harry smiled at his godfather softly, happy to see him again. This was one of the hardest deaths he'd endured because Sirius had helped to raise him, and after he killed Voldemort, he'd worked on his mind like Severus had wanted him to, and in doing so, unlocked all of his childhood memories - such as when he went on his first broom ride with Sirius and his dad, being tossed between them gently.

"Sirius, it's good to see you again, but first before hugs or anything I need to make sure it's really you and not an imposter," Harry spoke softly but with a glint of hope in his eyes. Hopefully he had the godfather he'd lost during the second wizarding war because of Bellatrix, back.

Sirius nodded in understanding, knowing the protocols for someone turning up after going missing or presumed dead, "Let me guess you want me to take veritaserum?" Sirius didn't really mind this at all, he'd taken veritaserum many times in the past, even during his Hogwarts days when the Marauders played truth or dare. He sighed, reliving his past memories but bringing himself back to the present when Harry nodded before leaning down and picking up a vial of what was, essentially, veritaserum.

"Only take a small amount," Harry spoke softly, not wanting to accidentally overdose the person who may or may not be his godfather and cause problems in the future.

This was because only a small amount was needed for the potion to work. Sirius did as he was told and his face went blank to show that the potion was working. It was very hard to fake a veritaserum test and Harry knew, from his years as an auror and even before that in school,

"What's your full name?" Harry asked diligently.

"Sirius Orion Black the third but my birth name was Siri Walburga Black," Sirius spoke, shocking Harry a bit as he didn't know that about his godfather, but questions like that he couldn't ask whilst Sirius was under the influence.

"What's the Marauders Map?" Harry continued with his questions, although he supposed he knew that this was his godfather from the beginning, stupid protocols.

"A map of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and its grounds, it shows where everyone is within the grounds and their movements as they move. It was created by me and my best friends during our school years. Our nicknames were Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. We lost it in our final year at school to Filch, though he didn't know what it was," Sirius spoke in pure monotone, as though the map wasn't one of the only things that he had to remember his childhood days or mischief, other than memories.

"Who did you date during and after your school days?" Harry asked gently.

"Remus John Lupin, I was going to propose the night I died," Sirius spoke in monotone.

Harry nodded sadly before handing him the antidote to the potion, which Sirius gladly drank.

"So how did I do?" Sirius asked softly knowing he did well in the first place.

Instead of answering Sirius' question with words, Harry engulfed his godfather in a tight hug. This confused Sirius but he guessed it meant he passed and the hug was to welcome him back. He couldn't imagine how Harry had felt losing his godfather, although he supposed he did know, having watched over his godson the entire time he was dead.

"Harry, who else is back?" Sirius asked gently, still in his godson's arms, but pulled back as Harry began to speak.

"My parents came back yesterday, they're at St Mungo's but no sign of Remus yet and Sirius I'm sorry for getting you killed and for Remus," Harry felt guilty and his voice showed this. Sirius nodded but was confused about the Remus comment.

"Why? What happened to Remus?" Sirius asked, but not entirely sure he wanted to know.

"It's not my place to tell you. It's Remus's but if he doesn't return within a month I will tell you," Harry spoke, with a distant edge to his voice.

Sirius nodded in understanding, "okay." He didn't speak after that, not wanting to upset his godson, who obviously didn't want to talk.

He decided to sit and watch the other returners from under the invisibility cloak, which Harry allowed. He sat on the floor by the fireplace and watched fellow order members arrive, be interviewed under veritaserum before leaving to another room to wait 'til the end of Harry's shift. When the end of his shift came he rounded everyone up and took them to St Mungo's.

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