St mongo's

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Sirius' pov-

I sat on a hospital bed unsure who else was in the room. This is because when I was led into the room two of the other beds in the room had partitions around them so I couldn't see who was on or in those beds. I sort of just flopped down and sighed. Just relaxing for a minute before the healers came to check on me and do some tests to make sure I was healthy, which apparently I really wasn't, makes sense seeing as I just died, revived and before that lived with barely any food for around fourteen years after James and Lily died. One of them mentioned something about being malnourished, having low iron and vitamins, I wasn't fully listening but they hooked me up to an IV drip. Everything seemed so modern, new, unknown to me.

A while after the healers left me alone Harry came in and opened the partition, this revealed Lily and James. I immediately tried to get up but all the wires and tubes meant I fell face first onto the floor. Shit, that hurt but this made James laugh, a sound I never thought I'd hear again. "Nice one Pads," Lily spoke, her tone as soft and gentle as I'd remembered.

James and Lily both smiled and got up with ease as though to spite me, they had no IV or wires holding them back. James walked to me and helped me up and into bed again before they both sat next to me laughing.

"It's good to see you Pads or is it Snuffles now?" James spoke with a smirk covering his whole face. I looked at Harry in disbelief.

"You promised not to tell anyone about the codename you came up with for while I was in hiding," Sirius spoke with fake malice in his voice, a twinkle in his eyes showing how amused he was about the situation.

James seemed confused, "Why were you in hiding?"

Thanks Harry. You haven't told your dad your story have you? Great, now I had to explain this to my best friend that I was accused and convicted of betraying him and his wife and being the reason for their death

"Remember how we changed the secret keeper a couple days before you died?" Sirius asked rhetorically, of course they remembered being betrayed and killed because of the betrayal.

Lily looked up from her book at this point to join the conversation. "Yes, what about it?" the flower spoke gently, not sure if she really wanted to know.

"Well since only us three and Peter knew, when Peter gave you guys up I went after him after Hagrid took Harry, he blew up a street of muggles, cut off his own finger and turned into Wormtail and disappeared. When the dust settled he was gone and I laughed at the fact he had the courage to change sides, it was the only bravery he's ever shown. They locked me up with no trail. I was in Azkaban away from my daughters, Harry and Remus for 12 years. I kept going with the thought of being a family again. I got skinny enough to be able to slip through the bars of my cell as Padfoot so I made a raft and half swam back to dry land. When I got back home, Remus took me to where Harry was staying so that I could check on him, but I must have scared him though. He accidentally called the Knight bus. When I got home to see the girls my face was everywhere because I was the first person to escape Azkaban. I couldn't exactly be out in public." Sirius' eyes dropped down to the blanket he had on his lap with tears rolling down his face. Why had he let Hagrid take Harry?

James looked furious as he stood up, "If that rat isn't already dead I'm going to kill him," he spoke with pure malice. How dare Peter get away with that and let his best friend become so hurt.

Harry smiled softly in agreement, "I thought the same thing dad, He died during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, the hand that Voldemort gave him strangled him."

I stared at Harry in shock at the news before bursting out with laughter, at the exact same time as James did.

"Anyway, I escaped right before Harry and Seraphina's third year and Sophia's fourth. I travelled to Hogsmeade a few days before the start of term and stayed at the Shrieking Shack. The ministry set up dementors around the school. Remus had gotten the DADA teacher position that year, I looked after Rem and Sophia during full moons even when they were taking Snape's potion, Wolfsbane, it's meant to suppress the change and help them keep their sanity. It didn't always work for Sophia. One night I ended up on the school grounds with them on a full moon. We were also with Harry, Snape and Pete along with Harry's friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Remus hadn't taken his potion but Sophia had. Me and Remus ended up fighting until he heard a howl and went to find its source. I was badly injured. I ended up collapsing. I remember Harry coming to help me, the dementors surrounded me and almost managed to kiss me but Harry did his best to protect me, then a Stag patronus sent away the dementors. I was barely conscious, Harry passed out and so did I. I woke up in a classroom they were using as a cell for me. Harry and Hermione saved me with the help of a hippogriff called Buckbeak, one of Hagrid's creatures that Draco Malfoy had sentenced to death. I told Harry a bit about you James. Then he and Hermione watched as I left with Buckbeak on the run. I found out later that they saved me with the help of a time turner, and well the rest isn't important right now," Sirius spoke before laying down and turning away from his longest friends, still mad at himself for not being there for his godson and his daughters, where was his kids anyways?

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