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No pov-

The next morning, a few patients after one last check up were told they would be discharged. This list of patients included; Lily, James, Sirius and Fred as well as Frank and Alice.

As paperwork was being finalised so that they could return out into the world, Harry invited them all to stay with him and his family at Godric's hollow. Lily and James refused saying they were going to James' parents home where he had grown up. Sirius declined saying he would return to Grimmauld Place and call his daughters though he wasn't sure if they wanted to talk to him. He also offered Frank and Alice a place to stay until their own home was habitable again. The Longbottoms agreed, wanting to see where Sirius endured his childhood and make sure it was going to be a safe permanent home for their friend. They believed Sirius deserved at least that much after the hell his life was so far. Harry understood this, he knew how it felt to have your home be a prison just for you. He hugged them all lovingly though it was slightly awkward as he had only met them once when Mr Weasley had been attacked and was in hospital during Harry's 5th year, the same year he lost Sirius. James promised to check on his brother the next day though trusting Frank and Alice would be able to help him if something happened before then.

Molly insisted in making sure they got to Grimmauld Place safely. Once she sent Fred home with George when the latter arrived to take the former home to The Burrow. As the Foursome walked through the busy streets of London, Sirius smiled at Molly thankfully.

Frank put an arm around Sirius' shoulders in a comforting way "It's gonna be okay. If Remus turns up we won't let him hurt you"

" Thanks Frank, but what if he turns up after you two leave?" Sirius asked, not remembering that he could just get Harry to block Remus' access to the house.

"Sirius don't worry, it's gonna be okay I promise," Alice reassured as she walked beside him.

Sirius smiled, a light blush dusted his pale cheeks. "Thanks, you guys are still some of my best friends I have," he spoke gently, he didn't deserve friends like these. No one wanted him, why would they even pretend to still care?

When they arrived at Grimmauld Place Neville was there to welcome them.

"Luna's just getting around to cleaning the last few things we found in Kreature's cupboard, a lot of stuff had to be thrown out because of how old it was. He works at Hogwarts now, he enjoys it. We let him take what he wanted before we cleaned everything out. I can tell him you're back if you like, I need to head up there to prepare for next term. Oh yeah I forgot to mention yesterday that I teach Herbology at Hogwarts. Trust me, I love you guys but it's a lot harder than Harry makes it look. He started teaching in our 5th year during our secret organisation which Umbridge said was illegal" Neville hugged his parents.

"More like Umbitch" Sirius mumbled correcting him, it caused Frack to Laugh and Molly to scowl

"What? She was like five years younger then us and acted like a seventh year the moment she arrived at the school. That damn fake cough of her's was so annoying too. And people wonder why we pranked her so often and why we thought it was so funny but come on she was a bitch, as much to make fun of as Snivellus, don't look at me like that Frank you knew what you were getting into when you promised Minnie that you'd look after us Marauders and you did get a laugh out of it," Sirius smirked. Though his eyes were blank.

Frank knew he couldn't really argue "True, Now let's head inside it looks like it's about to rain." As if on cue the heavens opened and it began to rain. The group rushed inside and relaxed as the warmth of the house welcomed them.

Luna walked up the stairs that led down to the kitchen. She looked at the Trio of returners and her face lit up excitedly, she approached Frank and Alice first

"Hello, You must be Neville's parents. He's told me so much about you along with the other original Order members. It's so nice to meet you both," her old dazed and aloof demeanour was long gone but she was still the same person.

She soon turned to Sirius and hugged him tightly similar to the ones Lily would give. "It's good to see you again. I'm sorry that the day we met was that day, you are a great man and didn't deserve any of what you went through," the younger woman spoke gently. She really wished that she was closer with Harry back then, she would have loved to know Sirius back then.

Sirius held her close, "thank you Luna, you are still a great girl, I hope you have kept your love for odd magical creatures."

Luna pulled away smiling wide "I have, I'm a magizoologist but I've come to terms with the fact that some my father told me about just don't exist like the crumple-horned Snorkack," she looked at the time briefly

"By the way, the cupboard is clean, the sheets have been cleaned and put away after everything was scrubbed. I should get going before the boys ask their father for help with their homework, especially Care of Magical Creatures. You wouldn't believe he's the Grandson of a Famous Magizoologist, let alone one himself. I should get going, I'll see you all in a few weeks," she smiled and waved before appariting.

Neville sighed softly "Sometimes I forget that she's married to Newt Scarmander's grandson, Anyway as Luna said everywhere is habitable again. We left your brother Regulus' room alone in case you wanted to preserve it or go through it, we also left your room simply cleaning up the dust. Any and all Boggarts are gone too. Oh and Sophia and Seraphina said they'd pop 'round later to check up on you guys and explain some stuff,'' Neville spoke more than ever now that he'd gained the infamous Gryffindor courage, but Sirius didn't mind. Any conversation was good for getting rid of his dark, sombre thoughts.

Sirius was shocked to hear that his daughters were coming but stayed calm and smiled "thanks Neville, I mean it."

Sirius hugged him briefly in gratitude before Neville hugged his parents and along with Molly who Sirius had forgotten was still there. Instead of doing anything too proactive they decided to relax and resist the urge to go outside to explore the city they hadn't explored in many decades.

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