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Claire and I start our journey through the maze to meet the person who is gonna take Claire to safety.

After a couple of turns I stop walking. Claire a little confused looks at me. " Let me take a look at you. Are you alright?" I look if she is hurt on her body, then look at her face.

"Yeah." She says with a smile. "It just really stings. Are you alright? You're coming with us right?" She asks as I'm taking a look at the burn in her face.

"I'll make sure to get someone to take a look at you're face after we get you out." I take her hand again to start walking but she doesn't move.

I stop to look at her. "You didn't answer my question." She says.

"I'm fine Claire. I just need you safe."


"No I'm not going with you."


I cut her off. "Six has someone waiting for you at the exit of the maze then I'm going back."

"What? NO!" She says angrily.

"Claire, Honey Bee. Listen to me. I'm going back and make sure Lloyd let's Six go, cause you need him. I'm so sorry about your uncle."

"But I need you." She says almost begging.

"Bee, as much as I want to go with you I can't. I love Lloyd I can't leave him and these babies need a father."

"Lloyd is a sick man. Six will take care of us, of you and the babies."

"Lloyd is just doing what he was hired to do, just like Six is. That's the Agency life."

"I don't understand why you don't just go."

"I'm sorry Claire, I really am. One day you will understand. Look let me promise you this, once this is all settled and dealth with, I'll contact you okay."


"I promise." We start running through the maze again.

We finally reach the exit and I make Claire wait so I can check out who this person is. I walk out the maze and am met with my sister.

"Dani." / "Daisy." We say at the same time. Both in shock we hug each other happily.

We break the hug looking at each other not really knowing what to say I'm remind of the gun comment. "You're here with Six aren't you? You're here to pick up Claire?"

She nods. "Yes. Please tell me you're not involved with that Lloyd character."

"Look sis I'm sorry I can explain...." I'm cut off by a gun shot sound. "Look I need to go back." I'm worried because neither of them have a gun so someone else needs to be involved.

"You're not going back. I'm taking you with us."

Claire comes out of the corner. "Just go I don't have time for this. I need to get Six back to her, I'll contact you please just get her out."

"I don't like this Daisy, but take this." She hands me a gun.

I turn to Claire and bend my knees. "Honey Bee, this is my sister you can trust her. I need to go okay. I'm going to get Six. I'll contact you, I promise."

"Okay." I give Claire a hug and give my sister the look the get out.

Dani takes Claire's, I turn around and run back as fast as I can. Halfway through I hear another gun shot.

Fuck I say to myself. I know this can't be good.

I reach the middle of the maze slowly making sure I can assess the situation first but what I see I wasn't prepared for.

I see the back of Suzanne and she is talking but I'm not really hearing her. Her voice is dempt. "Lloyd Hansen
is gonna posthumously take the fall for everything that has happened."

I look a Lloyd's still body laying in the fountain and I know he is dead. A feeling of nausea is coming over me, tears forming in my eyes. "Now, I know how to do that. What I need are a few witnesses to corroborate my story."

Everything is moving slowly. I take my eyes off Lloyd and turn to Suzanne's voice. I see Six sitting in the fountain against one of the statue's. "So if you want that girl to live to a ripe old age,
you are gonna do exactly what I tell you to. Bad news is you'll probably get your old cell back, but the good news is, if you behave, I'll let you out to play sometimes. 'Cause frankly, you are freakishly good at what you do."

I see Six look at me for a second and he then raises his hand. Slowly I hear the water clearly and realizing what the hell happened here.

"What? Do you have a question?
What is that?" I hear Suzanne clearly say.

"Does this plan involve me living?"

"Yes. Yeah, you're gonna live." Suzanne says annoyed.

"Then you should go. Lot of blood. Lot of blood." Six points at me smiling making Suzanne turn around.

She quickly points the gun at my head. "I can kill you before you kill me Suzanne." I say raising the gun Dani gave me.

"I know but at least I can get one shot at you." She lowers the gun now pointed at my stomach while I have mine locked at her head.

"Really that's even low for you." I take a couple of steps towards her. "You're plan clearly didn't involve me, so how are you planning to get yourself out of this one?"

"It's really easy. You don't want the girl the get hurt and I'm sure you don't want your sister to get hurt either."

I know she is right if Suzanne has both of them I can't do anything right now and I have to think lang term now. "So what you want me to let you shoot me?"

"Not necessari. You're going to play the innocent card, Lloyd clearly manipulated you. Made you fall in love with him to control you and you even got pregnant in the process."

"You know that's not who I am." I say tightening my finger on the trigger.

"I know you clearly don't want the agency to think you are weak, so I'll fully enjoy you having to go through that."

"You vicious little bitch." I spit out jaws clenched.

"You want to protect Claire right? And you wouldn't want her to loose Six. You really have no choice here."

I look at Lloyd's body, anger forming inside of me. I unload the gun and throw it behind me. I step Infront of Suzanne almost no distance between me and her. "It might not be today or even tomorrow, maybe not even next week or next month. Hell it might even take me 5 years or 10, but I want you to know that I will kill you!"

She swallows loudly. I know she is afraid. I take some steps back and look at Lloyd again. I walk towards him, fall to my knees next to his body. I no longer am capable of keeping my feelings inside as I lean over him and I start crying hysterically.

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