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Will contain spoilers and in the beginning follows the movie storyline, so don't read if you haven't seen the movie I don't want to ruin anyone's first watching experience.

I hear electricity crackles and the prisoner shouting as I walk into the room making eye contact with Lloyd.

He nods and I nod back. We never talked much when he was busy working but he did always appreciated me watching him.

He walks from behind the prisoner to face him one hand in his pocket and in the other a remote. "Should we try again?" He says amusingly.

"No." The man is whimpering and I know Lloyd hates that.

"Boring." Lloyd says as I hear the electric crackles again following by muffled gasps.

Lloyd always loves torturing for information, you can see it on his face.

Lloyd now towering the man to intimidate him more. "Mostly, it's loss which teaches us about the worth of things."

I hold in a laugh as I know what Lloyd is going to say, I love how he always made sure they knew how smart he is. Lloyd continues his speech. "That's Arthur Schopenhauer. He was a German philosopher, a pessimist. He saw the value in suffering."

Suddenly a phone vibrates and I know he is going to be pissed. "Damn it." He looks at me and I shake my head making sure he knows it's not mine. "Phones on silent when I'm working, please."

He turns to look at the guards as one answers. "It's yours."

"Who is it?" Lloyd asks irritated as I walk towards the table it's on.

"The chief." I say looking at it.

He sighs putting his hand on the man's cheek tapping it as he says. "Be right back."

I hand him his phone as he walks towards me and sits down on the chair that is next to me handing me one of the earbuds after putting one in his own ear "Yeah."

"He talk yet?" Denny asks as Lloyd cleans his hands.

"Still just flirting. But... He's getting there. You watch the game on Saturday?"

I never understood these too and the fact Denny was the one putting me on this mission was a riddle to me as these to have a bromance going on since they met. Lloyd and I had decided that we were gonna keep it a secret that Lloyd knew about me and my assignment and told Denny that I was just a dumb chick to be so I love I didn't care what he did.

"I turned it off at halftime. They ran us off the field." I heard Denny answer as Lloyd makes me sit in his lap.

"Well, no one goes to Harvard to play football." I smile at Lloyd his comment.

"You did." Denny said.

"I like to be the exception." Lloyd says as I feed him a grape. "What's up?" He asks.

"Hand the jumper cables to somebody else. I got an urgent locate and destroy." I raise my eyebrow looking at Lloyd.

"Gimme a name." Lloyd asks as I start kissing his neck.

"Sierra Six." I hear Denny say and I can't help being a bit scared because he was one of those agents you wouldn't want to come across. I knew about The Sierra program and I had worked with one a couple of times.

"Could be fun." I shake my head no knowing Lloyd loves a challenge. "The man's got some street cred."

I sit straight up looking at Lloyd. "He got his hands on some compromising information, the kind that could put us all in a cold, dark place. So, get it back. Make him gone."

Lloyd gives me the don't worry look. "Does the old man know about this?"

"Not yet. Heads would roll."

"Well, I'm gonna need a full green light
on this one. Open checkbook." Lloyd demands

"Any means necessary. And, Lloyd, I'm sending Suzanne to assist." I roll my eyes as I get up.

"I'd rather you punch me in the dick." Lloyd says.

"I will gladly punch you in the dick, Lloyd." Suzanne now says and that pisses me off.

"The only one that is gonna do anything with Lloyd's dick is me. You got that!?" Denny knows Lloyd let's me, the dumb chick in on the calls knowing he probably has is dick inside me as they speak. I mean that were his orders.

----2 years ago----
Before meeting Lloyd.

"Look agent you fucked up you know that and I could easily just fire you." Denny said the arrogance hard to miss.

"Excuse me im not going to kill a child I have always said that."

"Yeah but now the mission is compromised and he is on the loose."

"And I will find him and get it done." Ever Denny took over so much gas changed and I gad never been this difficult to proof myself.

"You're not doing anything I have a different assignment for you. As you like children so much I have one you can babysit."

"What?" I say in disbelief.

"Maybe you can earn back some cred this way."

"Who and where?" I ask knowing I could probably even get a worse assignment.

"Claire Fitzroy, Hong Kong." Denny says as his phone rings, he answered and hangs up quickly. "Be right back."

I roll my eyes and sit back in the chair waiting for at least 5 minutes before he comes back.

"Alright so change of plans." I can see the devilish smile in his face.

I sigh knowing I'm going to hate this. "Look Denny the mission is not lost, just let me....." But the asshole cutt me off.

"You're lucky you are pretty or you would have been out of a job. You going to sit on a mercenary for me. As long as I see fit."

"Meaning? And what about the girl?" I ask knowing there is something to it.

"I need you to keep him distracted so he won't play around much so I only say this once. Keep his dick warm and his balls empty!"

"WHAT!? You can't be serious. I'm more useful than that and you know it!" I say standing up and slamming my hands on the desk.

"That's your assignment agent and that's final. Here is the file and you know where to find the door."


"All right, ladies, focus. Six is trained to be a ghost. How do we find him?" Denny cuts in.

"How close were he and Fitzroy?" Lloyd asks.

"Father-son kind of close."

"Get me Fitzroy's file. We'll find somebody he loves and squeeze." I look at Lloyd pleading knowing Fitzroy only has a niece.

"Do me right, Lloyd."

"Have I ever done you wrong,"

The call ends and Lloyd looks at me. "Don't look at me like that ladybug we'll see if he has someone else but if he doesn't I have no choice."

He knows I am against getting children involved and he respects that as much as he can but I do also know that in this case there is no other way.

He pulls me close by the waist and kisses me. "Please just promise me don't hurt her?" I ask.

"I won't Honey Bunny. I promise." As he kisses me again, pushing his tongue in my mouth making me moan Infront of everyone in the room.

I know he will do everything possible to not get her hurt but I guess it's my hormones that make me worry more than I ever have.

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