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One week later

I wake up in a hospital bed. beeping is all I hear until I hear a voice. "Ma'am, I'll go get the doctor for you."

Too weak to get up I have no choice but to stay and wait. Not long after the voice left a doctor walked in the room. "How are you feeling Mrs Hansen?"

"What?" I say out in shock. I'm so confused about what he called me.

"You are in the hospital. Do you know that?"

"Well obviously."

"Well it's good to see you have an attitude. Look I'm going to be honest with you."

"What I'm dying." I say with a laugh. "I know I wasn't that hurt."

"Well yeah you didn't come in shot or with knife wounds, but you did put yourself through a lot of stress. They told me you knew you are pregnant and I'm sure you know what stress does to a pregnancy." I nod at the doctor. "So you need to stay in the bed until further notice."

"What, I can't, I have things to do. I need to leave."

"I expect you want to keep these babies, so I highly recommend you stay put as long as I think is necessary." I just glare at the man and he smiles. "And I'm sorry for your loss, it's not going to be easy to raise twins without you're husband."

"My husband? I'm not married."

"Well you're file says you are. I'll have the neurologist have another look at you to make sure you don't have any brain damage, you clearly have some memory loss. It won't be until later so rest."

"I have no choice do I?"

"Not until you're discharged. I'll make sure a nurse comes and gets you comfortable." He says with a smile and he leaves.

Not long after a nurse walks in and I see her sliding her phone her scrubs pocket. She walks towards the bed greets me and helps me get comfortable. I don't really talk to her and she just does her job. While she is checking my monitors and my IV I take her phone.

After she leaves I take the phone I took from her and unlocked it. I'm lucky enough she doesn't have a passcode or something. I quickly dial and hear ringing.


"Hello it's me Foxtail."

"How did you.....?"

I cut him off. "Doesn't matter I need a favor."

"I can't do anything for you right now. I'm already doing as much damage control with this whole situation."

"I'm not asking you to do something for me but you do own me a favor."

"Alright talk."

"Make sure my sister still has her career."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"You know there is a lot more you can ask for right now."

"Nothing I can't deal with myself."

"Okay done."

"Understood." And I hang up the phone, erase the call, drop it on the floor next to the bed and pretend to be asleep just in time before the nurse comes back in to get it.

"There it is." I hear her say and I slowly open my eyes. I look in her direction. "I'm so sorry I woke you Mrs Hansen. I apparently dropped my phone here." I'm sure the Mrs Hansen thing is Suzanne's doing bitch.

"Mhmm." I awnser pretending to fall asleep again and she leaves the room again.

I open my eyes at the sound of the door closing and I'm triggered back in a memory.

I'm sobbing over Lloyd's body, I can feel my insides breaking. I can't believe he is dead. I knew this was a possibility, but come on nobody actually expected this. "Nope this is not real." I say not willing to believe this yet as I'm shaking his body and calling his name. A lot of people dressed in black walk into the center of the maze. They are the clean up crew, they will make it look like nothing ever happened here.

"Lloyd come on Hot Stuff please please wake up, I really need you, we need you." I ask him nicely to wake up but nothing happens. I try it again and again and even get pissed at him. "Stop it asshole it's been enough, I'm leaving you're ass if you don't get up now."

I try to lift his heavyweight lifeless body, but nothing. "Come on fucker don't do this to me!" I punch him in the chest as hard as I can, still nothing. Knowing Lloyd he would have already given me a reaction and I'm beginning to realize this is real, that he is really dead.

"Take her!" I hear Suzanne order.

I'm laying on Lloyd's body, my head on his chest as I always used to do. I can't hear his heartbeat and I can no longer deny this truth. I hear footsteps in the water coming closer to me. "Ma'am you have to come with me." Someone says.

"I'm not going anywhere." I say angrily. The person doesn't care and is trying to pull me off him. "Stop! Let me go. Don't touch me. Lloyd will kill you for this." The person is not stopping or being careful. "Stop you piece of shit! Be careful I'm pregnant." Still I'm being pulled away but not with as much force as before.

I'm beginning to realize I don't have a choice and that I need to say goodbye. "Okay okay. Let me just say goodbye okay then I'll go with you."

For a couple of seconds nothing happens until I hear Suzanne. "Let her."

The person let's me go and takes a few steps back. I crawl back as close to Lloyd as possible. I grab his hand "Baby I need to leave now okay. I'm really sorry. I'm going to miss you, but I'll try to be alright okay, I promise." I look at his hand and I take his ring off and hide it.

I cradles his face and give him a sweet small peck on his lips. "Till we meet again okay my love." More tears are falling as I make his mustache look as perfect as always and it brings a smile to my face.

I'm brought back to beeping hospital machines and I'm wiping the tears from my face. I can't stop them from falling so I just let them go and eventually I cry myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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