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I walk out of the castle and it shakes. I see the comms room is blown up and I'm damn happy I didn't stay there, it also makes me realize that the person who helped Six is also here.

I follow Six, Claire and Donald, I'm basically on their 8 o'clock, but with enough distance the whole time. I see they are getting shot at. I try to get to a better spot to see if I can help them. It's difficult to make sure both sides don't notice me and I ask myself how some people can be a double agent.

I get eyes on who is shooting them and it's Lloyd 'Shit!' I say to myself.

He shoots at them again and I can hear him yell. "You're making me destroy
a historic building here!" Like he even cares and I roll my eyes.

The three are trying to stay out the line of fire and I can't do anything else than watch this play out. I don't want to risk Lloyd knowing I helped them escaped, although he knows I would go a long way the get children to safety especially now.

I'm a little surprised. Normally Lloyd would have gotten the drive and would have been gone before the first bullet hit the air, but this one is different. If I didn't know any better I would have thought Lloyd feels like he has something to prove.

The shooting has stopped and I'm not understanding why it's taking so long for the 3 to jump in the water. This is the moment they are clear and it won't be a long window. I see Lloyd and the guards show up closer than before and the window of a clean jump is almost gone.

I'm about to go an take a closer look when I hear Claire yell. "Not you too!"
'Fuck.' my heart is breaking.

I see a man pull her away. "No. Six, stop! Stop it! Stop! Six, please!" She continues and I'm crying. I finally see two people jump in the water and my only conclusion is that Donald didn't make it.

As Claire and Six are still under the water I jump in after hoping that nobody notices. I come up and at a safe distance and swim after them.

There is an explosion exactly where they jumped from and again Claire's cries are hitting me right in the feels. "No! No!"

Not long after they reach the shore and get out so do I. I can see them getting in a boat what means this might be over soon. Unfortunately a car comes driving in fast and Six immediately takes action.

I'm really at a crossroads here do I need to help him or do I wait. The decision is made for me as I see Lloyd coming in blazing and diving in on Six. They roll around and fight for the gun.

For once in my life I don't know what to do, do I help Lloyd or do I help Six? My loyalty is diverted because I just want Claire to be safe. I can't help Six cause I couldn't hurt Lloyd and I can't help Lloyd cause Six is the only way to get Claire safe.

I'm not afraid of Lloyd I know he won't do anything to me, but if I fail to get Claire out he will definitely hurt her.

For a couple of seconds I have no idea what is going, all I know I feel kramps and I feel dizzy. I don't pass out but the world is spinning and I hear a high-pitched continuous tone.

I hear Lloyd scream out in pain as the tone silences, it gets my attention. I focus on him and he is crawling on the floor. "Shoot him!" He yells.

I see Six roll in the water and Claire holding a flair gun up to Lloyd . "Wait. Please don't shoot." He says standing up. "Look what you did to my hand." I can see this going wrong, I intend to run towards Claire as I'm hit with another painful kramp.

When I feel I can move again I'm too late Lloyd already has Claire. "Give me that, you little shit." He takes the flair gun and stumbles to the maze with Claire in his arms. Six gets out of the water as Claire yells. "No! No! No! No!"

Lloyd makes sure in this moment Six can't do anything and he and Claire disappear in the maze.

I have to do something, I can't stay out of this anymore. I see Six about to walk towards the maze and I come out of hiding with my arms up. I'm not being quiet so he can hear me walk towards him, he turns around pointing his gun at me, but doesn't shoot thanks for that. "You are Six right?" He looks a little confused. "I can help you get her."

"Talk." Is all he says with no emotions on his face.

"Trade me for her and I make sure she will get to safety." I lower my hands what makes him lower the gun.

"What about you?" Face still emotionless, he has been trained really well no way I can anticipate his next move or know what he is thinking. Lloyd is predictable to me not just because I know him really well, but also because he likes to show off.

"He won't hurt me, not now at least." I try to show no emotions like I'm trained to but these kramps a really painful.

"Ahh you're the pretty pregnant lady." I furrow my eyebrows. "That's what Claire called you. Not that I think you're not pretty cause, ya know." I shake my head being more confused about what he just said. "She actually wants you to come with us." His face relaxing a bit.

I smile. "Well if that's what she said then, yes I am."

"Why would I trust you." He asks and he is back in robot mode.

"Because I have been following you since you left the room with Donald and Claire. I'm sorry for your loss by the way." I give him a look of sympathy.

I see a little emotion in his eyes. "Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because I want Claire to be safe. You're the only one who can do that right now."

"Why? Because your pregnant and hormonal?"

"Okay. WOW, rude much. But no! It was supposed to be me that was supposed to babysit her two years ago."

He just looks at me trying to read me wondering if I'm lying, until we hear Claire scream. "Six!"

"You know the way through the maze?" Six asks.

"Yeah and I know exactly where he is going."

"Lead the way." Six instructs and moves his head towards the entrance of the maze.

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