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I can't stop listening to the song Silver Bird either and I'm hoping I'm not the only one this obsessed with everything this movie gives.

As Lloyd is meeting Donald Fitzroy I'm going to try and make Clair feel a little better. The girl must be terrified.

I walk in the room she is captive in and I brought some fruit, snacks and drinks. "Get out." I order the guard. "And get away from the door I'm sure you don't want to hear girl talk."

"Ma'am?" he says from the doorway.

"Yeah?" I ask annoyed looking at him.

"He ordered to stay close to the door no matter what."

"I think he ordered you to do the fuck I tell you to do. So it's up to you either I kill you or he does. Just ask yourself what way would give ya more dignity."

"I'll leave you two alone Ma'am."

"I thought so." I say as he closed the door and I listen to his footsteps to make sure he is actually gone.

I turn to Claire who looks afraid. "I'm not really going to kill him." I say hoping it would ease her.

I can see she hasn't stopped crying. I raise my hands in surender. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you, I tried everything to get him to not take you Claire."

"Six will come to get me." She says crying.

"I know he will and I will do everything in my power to have him succeed." She looks at me confused. "Look I know I'm just as bad as he is because I'm letting this happen but I am trying really hard to get you safe as soon as possible."

"Why should I believe you? You are with them and they listen to you. You could tell them to let me go."

"I would if I could." I sit down on the other side of the bed. "I would if it wouldn't ended up having you in more danger."

"What does he want?" She asks as she is calming down a bit.

"He wants something Six has. That's it you are just here so you're uncle will help us find him."

"They won't give in so easily."

"I know so I think you will be here a little longer than I hoped but I'm around if that makes you feel a little better."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

I move closer to her but still keeping my distance. "Cause I'm not like them at all." I see the disbelief in her face. "It's a long story to explain and I'm not even sure it will make sense anyway, but just know I got in this situation cause I refused to kill a child and I actually was supposed to have you as my assignment two years ago until someone decided different."

"Are you like Six?"

"I am, I guess. I don't have a fancy codename like him but that's because he is in a different division."

"He told me 007 was taken." She says and I laugh.

"He's right about that. But Six is just as cool as 007."

"What do they call you?" I sign not wanting to tell her but I'm sure it will only make her trust me more.

"Right now Honey-trap, what is very degreding but it used to be Foxtail, but thinking about it I don't know if that's a lot better." We laugh a bit.

"What would my cool agent name be?" And I can't believe a child in this situation will think of that.

If this might help her deal with everything that's going onI'm for it so I think of a perfect codename for her. "Honey-Bee." I say as she looks at me like she is not liking it. "Cause you had me rethink everything the moment I met you and you maybe look cute on the outside, deep inside is a very strong warrior."

"Can I get a drink?" Claire asks as she smiles.

"Yeah of course want me to get it for you?" And she nods.

"Do you have ice cream here?" Claire asks.

"Yeah we do actually, do you like chocolate?" She nods with a smile. "Alright I'll bring you some later tonight alright." And she nods again. "Dinner might be brought soon but if you're not hungry don't worry alright I would prefer ice cream myself, although the cook is very good."

I get up to pick a can of soda and give it to her, she opens it and takes a few sips as she puts it down on the nightstand close to her she asks. "Will you go with me and Six?"

I'm a little taken by her question. "Why that question?"

"You look like you need an out too." I smile sweetly at her.

She has a good heart and she is making me tear up. "As much as I maybe want to take you up on you're offer, I can't leave him." She looks confused. "I love him and he loves me."

"Are you happy?" Damn this girl is smart.

"So many questions. I am... kinda.. I think, but it's more complicated because I'm pregnant and even if I would want to leave he won't let me. I'm sure he will do everything to get me back, what means more danger for you and we can't have that." She nods in understanding. "And really Claire I do really love him and he has never hurted me and I know he won't, but I do need to be careful getting you outta here."

"It just seems like you don't belong here." I move closer to her.

"You are right I don't honey, I really don't." I say as she hugs me and we cry a little together.

"Just another Thursday." She says.

"What does that mean?" I ask knowing it's not Thursday.

"It's something Six and I say after asking how one is doing after a hard day." I hug her even more.

"Yeah Honey just another Thursday." I smile feeling we have a little comfort in her nightmare.

My phone rings and it's Lloyd. I put my finger to my lips to tell her she needs to be quiet.

"Hey Hot stuff, are you calling to say you will be a little bit longer?" I say answering the phone.

"Do I have small hands?"

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