Chapter 4

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"You need to calm down." Charlie said.

Charlie was watching me as I frantically looked through my closet for something to wear for my date. My hair was already curled and I had a small amount of makeup on.

"I can't find anything!" I said, starting to get frustrated.

Charlie got up from my bed and started to help me. She pulled out a black skater skirt and then a light blue body suit. She handed me the articles of clothing and then pushed me to the bathroom to change.

Luke had told me to dress casual when I asked him about what I should wear. I still had no idea where he was taking me.

I changed and then looked in the mirror at the outfit. The skirt was loose but looked good with the tighter top.

"How'd I do?" Charlie asked from the other side of the door.

I laughed and then opened the door, letting her see.

"Girl you look amazing." Charlie said.

I smiled. I was actually surprised that I liked this outfit. This typically isn't my style.

I plopped down on my bed to check the time. I had about a half hour before Luke would be here. My mom was thankfully working a night shift tonight, meaning I would be home alone when I got back.

Charlie and I hung out until I heard a car outside and I stood up to look out the window.

Luke got out of his car. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a band tee that I couldn't make the name of from my window.

"You ready?" Charlie asked me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

I nodded. "Yeah."

Charlie followed me out of the room and then down the stairs. She opened the door just as Luke had made it to the door.

He smiled at me and I returned the smile. Charlie watched silently. Looking at the two of us.

"You ready to go?" Luke asked.

I nodded and Luke held out his hand for me which I took, smiling.

"Have fun and be safe you two." Charlie said to both of us.

We both nodded and Luke led me to his car. As we were about to get in Charlie yelled.

"Bring her back in one piece Hemmings."

Luke laughed and yelled back he would. He opened my door like a gentleman before he went to get in on the driver side.

After we both had our seatbelts on, Luke started up the car and started to drive out of my neighborhood. He had green day playing quietly in the background.

I hummed quietly to the music as Luke drove.

"You look really amazing." Luke said, taking his eyes off the road for a split second.

I smiled at him. "You clean up nice too."

He chuckled and continued to drive.

When we got to where Luke was taking me, he pulled a blind fold from out of the back of his car. I looked at him confused.

"Put it on until I tell you to take it off. Its a surprise."

"Please don't kill me Hemmings." I said, laughing a bit.

He laughed. "I won't. I promise."

Luke got out of the car and I heard his truck open. I could hear him moving things but I had no idea what he had in mind.

After what felt like forever, Luke opened the door to the car. He took my hand and helped me out. I held Luke's hand as he guided me.

"Okay, you can take it off now."

I gently pulled the fabric from my face to see a picnic blanket along with picnic food laid out. The blanket laid under a tree that over looked a hill. The view was pretty.

"Do you like it?" Luke asked softly.

I turned to look at him and smiled.

"Its perfect."

I made my way over and sat down on the blanket, patting the spot next to me for Luke to sit. He laughed and then sat next to me.

"No one has ever done something this nice for me before. Thank you." I said.

Luke smiled softly. "No need to thank me. You're a special person."

I blushed softly and looked at him. He smiled and poked my cheek. I laughed and he joined in with me.

Soon, I found myself laying on the blanket with Luke feeding me strawberries. I couldn't get over the fact that this date was actually happening. This didn't feel real.

We stayed until it started to get dark. I helped Luke pack everything up before he drove me home. One of his hands rested on my upper thigh as he drove. I smiled and laid my head against the window.

When we got to my house, the driveway was still empty meaning my mom wasn't home yet. Luke opened my door for me and followed me to my front door.

"Thank you for tonight. It was very special." I said.

Luke smiled. "Of course. I'm glad you enjoyed tonight."

I smiled. And Luke returned the smile. His eyes pierced mine. They were sparkling as he leaned in towards me. His hand gently cupped my cheek before his lips met mine.

It felt like fireworks going off when his lips met mine. I didn't know what to do with my hands but Luke helped me to stand more comfortably.

When we pulled apart, our foreheads rested against each others for a few minutes before Luke had to go. He kissed my forehead before he started to walk away.

"I'll text you tomorrow." He said over his shoulder, giving me one last smile.

I smiled and unlocked the door, heading inside. I had the biggest smile on my face.

This was the best thing that has happened to me in awhile.

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