Chap 2 : Maybe Next Time

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Finally the weekend has arrived and as promised, both parties will meet each other's families. The Jeon family gets ready to go to the Min family's house for the meeting. But it seems someone misbehaves and troubles his mother.

"Jeon JungKook! You better get out of the house now while I can still calm down." His mother said firmly.

"But, mom! I'm still not ready to meet them." JungKook looked around, thinking of any excuse. "What if I stumble or say something wrong in front of them. What if they don't like me?" JungKook tries to persuade his mom with his puppy eyes.

His mother facepalm then said, "If they don't like you, then why did they sign the contract." His mother replied.

It was as if a huge rock hit JungKook's head, he was petrified hearing those words. Why didn't he think about that? What his mother said is true. So that means, Min's family has accepted it that's why his mother seems calm when she tells him the news. The light bulb finally lit up. Ah, that means his mother has accepted Min's family!

"After all, it doesn't matter if we make a mistake. We are all human. All humans make mistakes." Once again his mother said the truth. "Fine, let's make a deal." Hearing that, got full attention from JungKook.

"And what's that?"

"We will go to Min's house and you will say hello to Min's family. If you do that, you don't have to see your partner if you don't want to." Before JungKook could thank his mother, his mother continued. "But, you will still see him in the future."

"I understand. Thank you, mom!"


As soon as they arrived at Min's house, JungKook tried his best to behave well. Mr. and Mrs. Min are already in front of the fence of the house, ready to welcome them. "Finally, you came! Welcome to our home." Mrs. Min invited.

"Thank you for inviting us."

Ms. Jeon and Ms. Min exchanged smiles before Ms. Min suddenly turned to JungKook. "I finally got to see you! You are handsome as said." JungKook smiled while thanking. "Ah, how rude of me! Please come in." They all stepped inside and sat down after being told to.

"Please have a seat. I will call my son. Please wait a moment." Hearing that was enough to make JungKook uncomfortable. What does the person who will marry him look like? Is he willing to marry him or is he just like him? "Come down, YoonGi dear!"

This is the moment JungKook wants to avoid. He is still not ready to meet his partner. He closed his eyes, praying in his heart. Please don't come down! Don't see me, at least not now! And pooff, his prayer was answered. For the first time, he heard his partner's voice. What a deep voice!

"I don't want to, mom. I told you that I'm not ready. Don't force me!" A yell was heard from above.

"Please wait, let me call him." Mrs. Min sighed before saying, "Sometimes he can be a brat. Forgive me."

"Don't apologize." JungKook smiled. Before Mrs. Min could get up, JungKook interrupted. "There's no need to force him. At the moment, I'm not too ready either. I understand him." When he saw his mother's glare, JungKook quickly added, "I should be the one apologizing."

"You two should meet today. Unfortunately, both of you are not ready." Mrs. Min sighed again.

"Maybe next time." JungKook said.

"I believe you both want to get to know each other first before getting married. You two need to go on a date." Mrs. Jeon gave a suggestion. "Maybe you can get YoonGi-ssi's number so that it will be easier for you to contact him."

"Uhm, yeah... Sure."


"That was so close!" YoonGi and his best friend, JiMin who heard the conversation going on below, breathed a sigh of relief. "We still have a chance. This is our chance!" YoonGi looked at JiMin. JiMin rolled his eyes in response.

"My chance or your chance to fake your identity?" JiMin raised his eyebrows making YoonGi frown.

"Will you help me or not?"

"Yeah, yeah, I will."

"Good. So, get ready to go on a date with this JungKook boy." YoonGi smiled to himself at his brilliant idea.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Can't wait to see what happens next!

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