Chap 14 : Not Me

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TaeHyung slammed open the door to the dance practice room. Seeing the one he missed in front of him, he went straight to him and hugged his small body. He hadn't seen him in a few days, and he hadn't heard his voice. Now, he will do what he wants. To see him and to hear his voice again.

"JungKook! You shouldn't do that-"

JiMin was cut off when someone he missed hugged him. Slowly, he also hugged the body, missing his warmth. "I miss you so much, YoonGi." TaeHyung whispered in his ear. He misses that voice. Very! He swears he misses everything about the man who hugged him, in front of him now.

They were both so engrossed in each other that they forgot the third person there. None other than JungKook of course. JiMin slowly loosened the hug when he heard JungKook clear his throat. TaeHyung didn't want to let go of JiMin but still broke the hug.

"I-I will leave you both." JungKook cleared his throat, feeling awkward. "Anyway, where's Sugar?"

"He's in his studio." JiMin answered.

"Thank you." JungKook said then he looked at his best friend. "When you want to come back later just call me. See you later." JungKook ran towards the elevator when he finished what he said. Then, JiMin realized something. Oh my-!

"Hey! But he-" JiMin cut himself off as JungKook walked out the door of the dance practice. JiMin just took a step to catch up and stop JungKook but his wrist was grabbed by TaeHyung. And immediately his eyes stared at that mesmerizing pair of eyes.

"Why? Let him go to Sugar. I'm missing you right now. Don't you miss me?" TaeHyung was a bit disappointed when he didn't get full attention from JiMin. He wants JiMin to just focus on him! JiMin chuckled, he misses that attitude!

"Do you have to ask that question? Of course I miss you. I always miss you." JiMin ruffles TaeHyung's hair.

"If you miss me then why don't you reply to my messages. I've been waiting a long, long time for you to reply. But you only give me one sentence. And that sentence is very painful. You know." TaeHyung expressed what he felt. JiMin saw tears gathering in his eyes.

JiMin was worried when TaeHyung almost cried. He immediately hugged TaeHyung, TaeHyung hid on his shoulder. JiMin didn't want to see tears coming out of those mesmerizing eyes. But then, JiMin could feel the shirt on his shoulders wet. He... He's crying!?

"I... I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know! What reply did you get?" Guilt began to rise in JiMin's heart. What happened!?

"You only sent me one line of messages this week. How can you not remember?" TaeHyung said quietly.

"But I didn't even see your message-"

"But I see 'seen'! It means you have read it." A pause. "Did I tell you to do all this for me..."


"Did I tell you to do all this for me?" He distanced himself, looking into JiMin's eyes. "That's the reply I got."

Did I tell you to do all this for me?

Yes... That sentence hurts.

JiMin felt tears fall down his cheeks. He didn't notice when he cried. He raised his hand to TaeHyung's cheek, wiping away his tears. "I am sorry." JiMin whispered. ...but it's not me. He didn't know that sentence would be the most painful sentence in their history.

TaeHyung reached for both of JiMin's hands, gripping them tightly. "I want you to know. I did all this for you. Everything I do is because of you. I don't want you to think my efforts are in vain. Everything has a reason and a meaning." Those words made JiMin smile.

Then JiMin said sincerely, "And I also want you to know that I never consider everything that happens for no reason. I believe that everything that happens has a meaning. That message... I didn't mean what I said. I really appreciate you in my life. So, I apologize again if-"

"I trust you." TaeHyung cut.

"Thank you."

Just to be clear, TaeHyung and JiMin never exchanged numbers. Only JungKook and YoonGi. So, JiMin and TaeHyung communicate remotely using their respective best friend's phones.

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