Chap 35 : Jealous pt2

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After a long time persuading YoonGi to sit down, JungKook finally managed to get his husband to sit down with the help of the waiter at the cafe. But only one problem has been solved. Furrowed brows still on his beautiful husband's face. JungKook took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm sorry, Hyung." JungKook took both of his husband's hands, holding them tightly. "I'm just a little angry and need some alone time for a while." He noticed YoonGi who was calming himself down instead of bursting like before.

"I don't care if you want some alone time. But at least tell me. What if bad things happen to you!"

"You care about me." JungKook stated.

"Of course, you stupid! You are my husband!" YoonGi looks at JungKook directly, his pout is slightly visible.

"My husband is so cute when he worries about me~" JungKook pinched YoonGi's plump cheek.

"Don't! I'm mad at you!" YoonGi pushed JungKook's hand away from his cheek. JungKook just chuckled.

"Okay, sorry." JungKook pushed the plate full of cookies towards YoonGi. "I will do something to make up for it."

"You better!" YoonGi replied. "Anyway, why are you angry, Koo?" This time YoonGi asked gently.

Before JungKook could answer, a waitress approached them and asked, "Is there anything else you want to order?" The waitress looked at JungKook as if YoonGi wasn't there. That made YoonGi frown. It was even worse when JungKook responded with his sweet smile while shaking his head.

"Nothing, thank you." JungKook continued, "If we need anything we'll let you know." This woman!

"Uh... Then, take this tissue. There's something on your face." The waitress held out a tissue.

"Oh yeah? Thanks for telling." JungKook took the tissue. Then, he just examined the tissue.

What's so interesting about the tissue? A feeling of displeasure flashed across YoonGi's face. As soon as the waitress left, YoonGi immediately grabbed the tissue from JungKook's hand. He examined the tissue and gasped dramatically when he saw a phone number on the tissue.

"I can't believe that woman tried to seduce my husband in front of me!" YoonGi tears the tissue.

"She just gave me her number--"

"And how dare you defend her in front of me!? Do you already like her!?" YoonGi crossed his arms.

"YoonGi--!" JungKook snapped.

"It's Hyung to you!" He got up and left.


JungKook drove to their house while YoonGi remained silent. He sighed heavily. Once again he called for a frown to form on his beloved husband's face. The atmosphere in the car was quiet until they reached their house.

As soon as the car stopped, YoonGi immediately got out of the car. Again JungKook sighed heavily before chasing YoonGi who headed to the door of the house. He quickened his pace and gripped YoonGi's wrist. The older could not oppose the younger's strength.

JungKook closed the door and immediately pinned YoonGi to the door, one hand tightly gripping YoonGi's waist while the other was next to his head. A small yelp came out of YoonGi's mouth when the younger did so. Unconsciously YoonGi gulped when he saw JungKook's fierce eyes.

"Now you know how I feel when I see you with that guy." That's all JungKook said before he took a seat.

YoonGi exhaled as JungKook distanced himself from him and took a seat on the couch. He didn't even notice he was holding his breath. Then, a question came to his mind. What does JungKook mean? He approached his husband, standing in front of him.

"What do you mean when I'm with that guy? Who is that guy you are talking about?" YoonGi asked.

JungKook took a deep breath before shaking his head. And this makes YoonGi even more angry when JungKook doesn't want to express what's in his heart. This time, YoonGi sat on JungKook's lap, straddling him. And JungKook knows he can't hide anything until YoonGi is satisfied.


"I don't want to hear anything but the answer to my question. Understand?" YoonGi demanded.

JungKook nodded, agreeing.

"Who is the guy with me you are talking about?" YoonGi held both of JungKook's shoulders.

"The guy who gave you this." JungKook replied, grabbing YoonGi's wrist with a bracelet. YoonGi looked at the bracelet then looked at JungKook again as the younger tightened his grip on his waist. YoonGi winces in pain. "Why did he give you this?"

"So, you've seen--" YoonGi was cut off.

"Damn right!" YoonGi observed JungKook before chuckling, making JungKook frown.

"Koo, you-- Aaahhhh!"

YoonGi was cut off again by a gasp from himself when JungKook suddenly turned them around and pinned YoonGi to the couch. JungKook looked YoonGi straight in the eyes and said, "I'm angry and I don't like it when you're with him! What's so funny? Why are you laughing?"

YoonGi smirked when something crossed his mind. He raised his arms, wrapped around JungKook's neck. "Hey, don't worry too much. He's just..." YoonGi's right index finger moved slowly to JungKook's chest. Obviously, he wants to tease JungKook. " ex."

"I was even more upset when I knew he was your ex!" JungKook gritted his teeth, try to calm down.

"Calm down. He's just my ex. He wanted to give it to me when we were still together. But something happened and we broke up. Actually, these bracelets are paired. At first, another pair was for him but he gave it to you, Koo." YoonGi explained briefly.

"Huh?" JungKook didn't expect that.

"Another pair is in our bedside drawer."


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