꩜ volley game ꩜

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belly, gemma and taylor were in the younger girl's room gossiping. the girls were getting ready for the volleyball tournament.

"I can't believe that you, isabel conklin, dumped a guy." taylor says putting her "team belly" shirt.

"you make it sound so bad." belly says.

"no, it's not it. I mean... since I've known you, you are the quiet suffer in silence type."

"like bella swan?" gemma ask from her place on the bed.

"yeah, something like that." taylor chuckles and belly rolls her eyes. "but now, you dumped on dude and then you have another one running after you."

"to be fair, jeremiah is running after belly since I first put my feet in this house." the blonde girl says and belly gasps.

"no he wasn't."

"yes he was." gemma and taylor answer together.

"okay whatever, now you gemma williams." belly points her finger at her friend who frowns. "what's the latest between you and connie?"


the two girls look at gemma with their brows raised.

"fine, he asked me out." she shrugs and the younger girl's mouth fall open. "I mean, to be his date at the deb ball."

"oh wow. that's nice."

"yeah, now you can totally say no to his face." taylor quickly says, gemma looks away and the girl sighs. "you're telling him no, right?"

"I don't know, it seems that he's trying to get close to me again." the older girl sighs and looks at her friends. "what if he is trying to make up for being an ass?"

"he was a big jerk a couple days ago." belly comments.

"yeah, I don't know yet."

a knock and the door being opened catch the girls' attention.

"hey girls, I'm driving you." laurel smiles.

"oh, oh, can I drive?" belly gasps hopefully.

"no." her mom gasps and chuckles.


when they arrived at the tournament, the girl separated. belly and taylor left to get ready and gemma found conrad and jeremiah on the crowd, the younger boy waved at her.

"hey there my best girl." jeremiah passes his arm over gemma's shoulders when the meets them. "I was hoping that you were playing today to kick some ass."

"yeah, not today." she chuckles.

looking over at conrad, the boy was already looking at her, he gives her a tight smile.

photograph | conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now