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when gemma opened her eyes, she surveyed cautiously the room she was in

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when gemma opened her eyes, she surveyed cautiously the room she was in. it had darker walls and was kind of messy, the only light in it was coming from the sun in a breach in the curtains. she looked to the side and was met with conrad asleep.

his face was calm, calmer than the night before. his long lashes slightly touched his cheeks.

she remembered the night before, how much pain he was dealing with, the pain that now she felt too. they stayed on the pier talking for a long time, when they got inside he asked her if she wanted to spend a little time with him before going to bed, but the duo ended up fast asleep as soon as they lied in his bed.

"you should take a photo," the boy's voice woke gemma up from her thoughts. "it lasts longer."

she felt embarrassed for being caught, looking at his eyes she saw the amusement dancing on them.

"morning." he whispers.

"morning." the girl says quietly and sends a soft smile in his direction.

"did you sleep well?" conrad couldn't help when his fingers traced her cheek.

"meh, you snore too loud." gemma snickers and lean on his gentle touch.

conrad chuckles and for a few moments he just stares at the girl, he felt like a huge weight was taken from his shoulders after his conversation with her the night before. he knew it wasn't an excuse for playing with her emotions, but he felt lost. every time he was alone his mind would rush to his mom and how much it hurts to think about losing her.

gemma gently played with his hair, she didn't want to touch the subject with him. she wished they could just stay in bed and nothing bad would happen to them.

"I can hear the commotion downstairs." conrad says. "we should probably get up before belly calls the police on me."

"why would she do that?" the girl snorts.

"well you left with me last night and she already called you at least 5 times and she regularly knocks on your door."

"how long have you been awake?" gemma asks with an amused look on her face.

"you're not the only creep who just watches people as they sleep." he retorts, and she chuckles.

"wow very edward cullen of you."

"to be fair, I didn't get into your room in the middle of the night." he scoffs laughing, conrad inches closer to her and whispers. "and besides, you're in my room."

ignoring the blush on her cheeks, gemma rolls her eyes and sits on the bed.

"so now, I'm edward cullen."

conrad shrugs and places his hands behind his head, a smug smile dancing on his lips. chuckling the blonde girl throws a pillow on his face and gets up from the bed.

photograph | conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now