꩜ skinny dipping ꩜

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belly, gemma and taylor went home to quickly change before going to nicole's dad boat. the two younger girls decided on wearing cropped shirts and jeans shorts. gemma on the other hand, went for a short green summer dress. taylor did their hairs, the blonde girl had a big braid adorning her long hair.

"I can't believe that he just asked you to go to the ball because his mom asked him to." belly exclaims frustrated. the girls were now on the pier walking to nicole's boat.

"yeah, like he's such an ass." taylor adds.

"I really don't know what to think about it to be honest." the older girl sighs.

"I mean, matthias was a terrible dude," taylor says moving her hands as if they were balances. "now conrad is just as bad."

"I mean, conrad never did anything without her permission." belly retorts.

"what I meant is there's no good guys in cousins."

"but what about jere?" gemma changes the subject looking at her younger friend.

"what about him?"

"oh you little shit, you know what she meant." taylor nudges the girl chuckling.

"he asked me to go to the ball with him." belly shrugs.


"I said okay."

"just okay?" gemma looks at her friend with a frown.

"I couldn't let him think that I had been waiting for it, I had to act cool." belly explains and the girls giggle.

"I've made a jelly finsta." taylor announces after a few moments of silence.

"a what?" the older girl chuckles.

"check it out."

taylor gets her phone from her back pocket and shows the girls the Instagram account. it was completely full of photos from the tournament when jeremiah and belly played together. the young conklin groans and walks away from her friend.

"this is embarrassing."

"this is pure gold." gemma corrects laughing.

"see gems, you're not the only one who's good at photography." taylor says with a proud grin.

gemma pushes taylor away lightly, the girls were laughing when they bumped into a frozen belly.


"what?" the girls ask at the same time.

looking ahead of them, they found a massive boat. it looked extremely expensive. on the roof, nicole was waving at them with the other debs.

"holy shit."

"oh my god.

"fuck me."


photograph | conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now