Chapter 1- The disappearance of Will Byers

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November 6th, 1983 was a chilly fall night. And what was Amelia Harrington currently doing you might ask? Well, she was in the Wheeler's basement with the rest of the party, watching them play D&D while reading a book. The boys who were currently playing D&D, arguing over which monster would be next to attack

"Somethings coming. Something hungry for blood." Mike Wheeler states narrating the game. Mike was the dark-haired boy who just so happened to be the leader of the party.

"A shadow grows behind you, on the wall. Swallowing you in a pit of darkness." He goes on to continue his planned campaign. All the boys listened intently even Amelia. Dustin rubs his nose in anticipation while sniffling.

"It is almost here."

"What is it?" Will Byers, the boy with a bowl cut asks. At this point, Amelia had set down her book and became more engaged in listening to whatever was going on with their game.

"What if it's the Demogorgon? Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin Henderson states. Dustin was the boy with curly hair which was currently being tamed by the hat that sat on his head.

"It's not the Demogorgon!" Lucas Sinclair says. Lucas was the dark-skinned boy at the table with chocolate eyes. Who also almost always wore a bandana

" An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike shouts, slamming a figurine down on the table.

"That's absolutely not a Demogorgon Dustin. You're not screwed." Amelia finally speaks up, walking over to the table the boys all currently sat at.

"Yeah told ya," Lucas says agreeing with Amelia. The boys all giggled for a moment in relief.

"Wait a minute. Do you hear that?" Mike questions.

Amelia had watched enough of these campaigns follow through to know what was next. Any minute now Mike would slam a Demogorgon figure onto the board and all the boys would freak out.

"That. That sound. Boom, boom, BOOM." He continues slamming his hands down on the tables after his last word. Amelia and the boys all jumped a bit in reaction to the sudden noise.

"That wasn't the troglodytes was it?" Amelia asked. She was now sitting in a chair next to Dustin.

"No. No, it didn't. That came from something else."

"The Demogorgon!" Mike states putting the newest addition to the game on the board.

"I knew it!" Amelia shouts starring at everyone.

"Oh, we're in deep shit!" Dustin states.

"Will your action!"

"I don't know!" Exclaims a stressed Will

"Fireball him!" Shouts Lucas over all the noise

"He'd have to roll a 13 or higher though. Which is too risky." Amelia shouts, disagreeing with Lucas.

"Yeah, cast protection!" Shouts Dustin.

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him"

"No cast protection!"

"The Demogorgon is tired of human bickering, he lets out an ear-ringing roar," Mike shouts over the ongoing argument

Amelia sat and watched the argument play out. It was so strange how people so different could be so close. The little friend group and always been tight, but they were all so different. Lucas had temper issues, Dustin was the smart clever one, Mike was the glue of the group always kind and caring, Will was the shy reserved one, And Amelia who was the ONLY girl in the group who was also popular, pretty, and a Harrington. Her brother Steve was a very popular kid in high school which in turn made her popular. Lots of people often questioned her choices of friends but it never changed her mind.

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