Chapter 2-The disappearance of Will Byers[2-3]

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The next morning Amelia woke to the obnoxious voice of her oldest, and only, brother. Who was currently shouting at someone over the phone.

Groaning Amelia rolled over checking the time on her alarm clock which read "7:24". It wasn't even 7:30 and Steve was already arguing with someone who was presumably one of their parents. After them practically ditching their children and beelining it to Arizona this was a common occurrence. They would call once a month to talk to their kids which always inevitably ended with someone being mad or upset.

Rolling her eyes Amelia pulled off her big fluffy comforter allowing herself to be consumed by the cold air. She then sat up and got out of bed. Then got ready for school.

Walking over to her closet and pulling out a white and pale blue striped t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a white zip-up sweatshirt. She then walked over to her desk grabbing the hairbrush off of it to brush her hair then threw it up into a ponytail before heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

After brushing her teeth Amelia headed downstairs and into the kitchen joining her older brother at the counter.

"Who were you on the phone with this morning? I assumed it was mom or dad but I couldn't be quite too sure." Amelia said looking over at Steve.

"Well, it was mom this time. She was asking about school then brought up your little club thing and it pissed me off. Anyways want a Poptart?" Steve asked.

"What flavor?" She asked looking down at the plate of sweets in between them.

"They are strawberry I think." He answered picking one up off the plate and handing it to her.

"Okie Dokie" Amelia replied taking the pop tart from him and eating it.

"Besides from Mom calling, Will's mother also called. She said something about him not being in his bed this morning." Steve told his sister.

This honestly surprised Amelia considering the fact that the Byers boy didn't normally go anywhere off the path on his way home. She knew this because of how often she used to stay at the Byers after school. All she could do was hope he stayed at Mike's house where he would be safe and sound.

"Well let's just hope he stayed at the Wheelers last night then. "Amelia replied fishing off the pop tart that was in her hand.

After finishing up the other poptart Steve got up and took his plate to the sink rinsing it off. Checking the clock before grabbing his keys off the counter.

"Want a ride? You'll be able to get there early!" Steve offered his sister.

"Yeah, sure! I have A.V. after school today though. I might just go to Dustin's and hang out after so I might call when I need to come home." Amelia said hopping off the barstool to grab the rest of her things for school.

"Okay, I'll be in the car!" Steve informed her before heading outside to wait for her.


" Okay, Steve I'll see you later tonight," Amelia said undoing her seat belt and climbing out of the car.

"Bye Mels!" Steve shouted just before the car door slammed shut.

Hawkins Middle school. The only school in the little town. If Amelia was being honest she really didn't like 95 percent of the students here but some weren't half as bad.
Those other kids including Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Will really. Even though people respected her it wasn't like they actually wanted to be friends with her. She was popular because of her brother and his reputation. But it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Finally reaching the bike rack near the 7th-grade hallways Amelia let her eyes gander while looking for her friends.

~Upside-down Love~A Dustin Henderson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now