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"Attention all Citizens!"


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"Monster laws have been reinstated." Someone announced with a speaker phone. Everyone was in panic and running all over the place. I was panic walking with Zoey trying to get her out of the busy crowd.

"Zoey and Y/N! Come on home, it's not safe out here with these werewolves on the loose" Zoey's dad yelled out to us.

"Hold on!" I yelled back. A boy ran up to us and Zoey asked if he had seen a werewolf. I looked at him for a second and sorta recognized him.

It was the boy from the woods! I gasped and as I did he looked at me and seemed to recognized me too. The boy was trying to convince Zoey that werewolves weren't real and I was trying to grab Zoey to get out of there.

"My what big eyes you have." Zoey said as she looked into the eyes of the boy. "Zoey we need to go, your dad is calling you" I panicked and grabbed her hand and ran towards her house.

I turned back and saw that the boy ripped the paper and put it in his pocket then walked off. We made it to Zoey's door and walked inside the house.


Wyatt's POV

I walked through the broken gate and started jogging towards the woods. I made it to the cave and took off the construction hat.

I then took off the rest of the outfit and the pack gave me back my moonstone necklace and put back my markings.

My moonstone necklace powered up and I growled towards Willa, my eyes turned orange. "What did you find out?" Willa asked.

"They saw you howling, Willa" I warned her.
"So?" She asked. "We're exposed" I showed her the drawing that I got from before.

"That looks nothing like us, Wyatt. We have way better hair than that." She chuckled. "Stop being such a worry-wolf brother. I only said 'Awoo!', it's like saying 'aloha' or 'ciao'. Or 'I'll rip your throat out." She teased.

"Anyways who cares what they think? It's a terrible town!" She said. "We have to find the Great Alpha." I responded. "If there even is a Great Alpha" she argued back.

"Willa, we saw her in the forest. She had the white hair." I exclaimed. "It was probably just the light." She said. "She's real, and she's going to lead us to the moonstone, and you know we don't have much time." She seemed to understand what I was saying.

"More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power, we need to find the moonstone." I explained.

"And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years." One of my half-sisters Wynter said. The pack agreed.

Willa started questioning how we could find her, I showed her a ripped shirt piece of the white haired girl's friend then explained we can track the girl down there because the two girls most likely go to the same school.

"Yeah! We can track them down with our keen sense of smell" Wynter said.

"It says Seabrook High on it, so I thought we might look there" I responded and Willa grunted then explained her plan.

"We find the girl and if she's the Great Alpha, she'll tell us where the moonstone is hidden" Willa said. "We go in the morning!" I told the pack. "We go tonight!" Willa corrected. "Or tonight works" I said as I looked around. We howled.


Song: We Own The Night


"No one's catching me unless I want to be caught, I'm dancing in the shadows. AINT no leash when I walk."
"It's great to be invincible, it's great to feel alive. My appetite's insatiable, there's nowhere it can hide."
"Our freedom isn't up to them, it's only up to us" (Us!)
"I'm the alpha, I'm the leader, I'm the one to trust. Whatever we do, whatever it takes we're in this pack for life." (Awoo!)
"We're wolves we own the night, oh we own, what we own. Oh we own the night"
"The only thing that is worse than our bark's our bite, oh we own what we own. We own the night"


"I'm picking up the scent, it seems we're on the right track" (Track!)
"The moonlight's on the rooftops? The wind is on our backs" (Backs!)
"We're living in the shadows, we're living for the chase" (Chase!)
"Our legacy is in our sights, so let's pick up the pace!"
"We're on a quest to find the power that's inside of us. She's the alpha, she's the leader, she's the one to trust." (Trust!)


Together we do whatever it takes, we're in this pack for life" (Awoo!) "We're wolves we own the night"
"Oh we own, what we own, oh we own the night."
"The only thing that is worse than our bark's our bite, oh we own, what we own."

We crouched down behind the flower pots as a couple passed by, we then whispered "We own the Night"


"We own, what we own. The night is our home, we own what we own." (Wolves!)
"We own the night, oh we own, what we own. Oh we own the night"
"The only thing that is worse than our barks our bite, oh we own, what we own. We own the night."

Song ended

Wyatt's POV

"We hide in here, wait then get the girl. Then we can leave this awful place." Willa said

"I wouldn't call it awful, they got something called Fro-Yo" I smiled at her and she looked at me like I was crazy. "Yeah you're right. This town's the worst" I said as we crouched into the vent. I then closed it and waited for the night.


Finally it's over. The next part is when the werewolves walk into the school ^^.

996 words

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