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'Vote for Zed!'


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"Zed for Prez! Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie" Zed said trying to convince people as we handed out flyers. "Not a zom-can't-be" I added.

"Okay, here's our platform. We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria." Eliza suggested. "Right." Zed agreed.

"Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language." She suggested again. "Good." Zed agreed again.

"And how to overthrow your oppressors after school club" She suggested one last time but Zed didn't agree. "But more importantly we allow zombies at Prawn." Zed said.

"Good luck, Mr. Future President." Addison popped up behind me. Bree also came up and told Zed that Addison was being tested for cheer captain. I congratulated her after Bree explained that she would get to run cheer practice tomorrow.

"It's not a big deal" Addison explained. Me and Bree looked at her in disapproval. "Okay, it's huge!" She corrected. "A huge chance to fail!" Lacey shouted from a table.

Bree started talking about how Bucky is gonna win the Student-President election because of his popularity but me and Addison were trying to quietly stop her.

Zed interrupts her by grunting a bit and she stops talking. "I know it's weird how I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but.." Addison gets interrupted by Zed, "No, that just means neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want."

I playfully roll my eyes at their behavior and handed Addison a flyer.


Wyatt POV

The pack and I were walking through the corridor when a couple walks past, Willa snarls at them and they get scared and run.

"These sheep just let us in? Baaaad idea." Willa says as everyone clears our path. "We agreed to play nice." I reminded her.

"Oh! This is me being nice" she scratches the lockers making a huge claw mark on at least 5 lockers. "Now let's find that moonstone." We walked off.



Eliza, Zed, and I were walking in the corridor. Zed and Eliza were talking something about Bucky. I realized that the werewolves weren't as far ahead from us.

"The werewolves are the swing vote" I said as I pointed to the werewolves ahead of us. "Wolves are key to winning this election." Eliza added on. "But you know winning over the wolves is going to be hard"

"Trust me, I got this." Zed reassured us. "We're going to win the wolves votes. And more. We just need to show them how to fit in, like us" he continued.

The bell rang and the wolves started howling, because it was so sudden everyone in the hallway flinched, then the wolves walked off.



While splitting up from Eliza and Zed, I made my way into the library and see that Addison and Bree were there, I waved to them and started to walk over.

I see the wolf boy holding an upside down book over his face as I walk past the bookshelves and I realized that I never actually got his name, 'I'll ask later' I thought. I walked back and flipped the book the right side.

He grins at me and awkwardly laughs and I roll my eyes playfully. I walked away and thought 'This is a bit weird.' I thought as I notice he follows me to where I'm walking.

Bree was doing her homework while the other girl wolf ate it. "Hey! That dog just ate my homework!" She exclaimed. I sat down at the table along with Addison.

"Lies! These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone." The curly haired girl said as she slammed books onto the table.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Addison apologized. "I know the alarm is gonna go off if you don't check those books!" I yelled after her but she took of her necklace and threw it at the machine to which it broke.

The boy bent down to my level and explained "Our necklaces have a way with electronics."
He was starting to walk away but I grabbed his wrist. "Yeah I noticed that" I said as I rolled my eyes. "But my question is, what are your names? I can't keep calling you guys, Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3." I joked around.

He didn't seem to get my joke but still responded by saying that his name was Wyatt, the curly haired girl is Willa and the one next to him is named Wynter and he walked away.

Bree, Addison, and I looked at each other with a 'What just happened?' look. "I'm gonna meet up with Zed at the town, he said he's gonna try and convince the wolves to vote for him" I told the two girls and they nodded and said their goodbyes.


Finished for today and short chapter but I got lazy at the end. Next chapter will be the zombies dancing with the wolves!

818 words.

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