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'Zombie Town'


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Wyatt POV

"Useless!" Willa growled. "None of these books tell us where the moonstone is hidden"

"Win the wolves' vote, win the election. Easy". A zombie was walking towards us with two girls.

"Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, a zombie, a football star, presidential  hopeful" He introduced himself as he laughed weakly, he stuck out his hand and we looked at it disgusted. The two girls walked up behind him, it was that Y/N girl and another zombie.



"When Zombies first came to SeaBrook, we were outsiders too. Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you. We'd be honored if you guys joined us." Eliza smiled at the wolves. I noticed that the boy from the library was here as well.

"Our pack is our pack." Wynter slammed her hands on the table as she stood up. "We don't need anyone else" she said and she waved her hands.

"Who doesn't want more friends? Underneath all that fluffy hair, I bet you're a real softie." Zoey said and I snickered.

"I am a mean, mean werewolf, kid, I am fought a rough." Wynter said. "Aww you said ruff, like a big little puppy dog" I mocked.

"Ruff ruff!" Zoey added on. "We are beasts of the forest, we will never be tamed." Wynter got cut off as Zoey started scratching the side of her head. 'She seems to like it' I thought as I winked at Zoey.

Willa stood up, "We're nothing like you zombies."
"You sort of are, your necklace is powered right?" I asked. "Kinda like our organic Z-bands." Eliza continued.

"You guys are smarter than he looks" Willa said as she looked at Zed. Eliza and I thanked her and Zed glared at us.

"So that necklace keeps you from fully wolfing out?" Zed asked with curiosity. "The opposite, our moonstones make us our true werewolf selves." Willa explained after she slapped Zed's hand away.

"So without it, you'd be human?" I asked. "No, we die.. We'd be nothing." Willa responded and I felt bad for asking.

"Imagine how alive you'd feel if you didn't have to tamp things down. Hold back your true selves" Wyatt said to my zombie friends.

"Actually, Eliza has this theory that zombies might've evolved beyond their need for Z-bands" I defended my friends.

"Haha! Z-Bands are great. They help you fit in, and I think you guys would have a much better time at Seabrook if you just followed in our footsteps" Zed says as he nudged me in my stomach, I do the same.

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