Well Damn|2|

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"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Standing there with his usual scowl and dumb blonde hair was fucking Travis of all people. Wasting no time he balled up his fist. "What the fuck are YOU doing here?!"

Larry rolled his eyes in annoyance, he could feel his headache get worse by the second. "I could ask you the same question."

A loud knock echoed through the hall again and not even seconds later the door opened as another nurse popped her head in.

"What's with the ruckus? Is there a problem?"

"There's no way I'm rooming with this- this fag!" Travis was too livid and frustrated to talk it seemed.

"Shut up dipshit, I don't want this any more than you do." Larry groaned wanting this to just be a coma induced dream or something. "Aren't there other rooms and stuff?"

"They're all full."

"Can't we just switch rooms with someone then?"

The nurse sighed in annoyance and shook her head. "Unless you want to spend time in the quiet room, I suggest you suck it up and deal with it." The nurse walked out of the room halfway then looked back.

"Oh, and look at the schedule. Afternoon group meeting is soon."

Travis looked down at the laminated schedule that was on on the table between the beds. "But how can we tell the time there's no clo-"

"We'll call you down. Anymore questions?" The nurse stared at them blankly, that definitely was a rhetorical question so they stayed quiet.

"Good." She shut the door and promptly left the two boys in silence.

"Well shit." Larry said automatically. He walked around his bed to the small table, looking over the schedule.

7:00 - 7:30 am: Morning time; Wake up and get ready for the day, make your bed and get dressed. Vitals.

7:30 - 8:00 am: Set goals in the daily handout sheet in the common room, then breakfast time.

9:00 - 1:00: Common area activities. Group therapy, activities, homework, etc.

1:00 - 2:00 pm: Lunch hours.

2:00 - 5:00: Room time followed with common area activities.

5:00 - 600: Dinner.

6:00 - 6:30: Visiting hours.

6:30 - 9:00 pm: Bedtime and medication.

It goes on like that with minor differences for events like different activities and scheduled learning it seemed.

"Damn, that early?" Larry sighed already exhausted just thinking about it. So much for keeping up his old sleep schedule, Sal would understand though. He let himself fall on his new bed, wasn't the coziest thing he's slept on but it's still a bed. Closing his eyes, he heard shuffling. Probably from Travis sitting on his own bed.

The silence between was thick, the sense of wanting to say something was prominent. Yet, both of them stayed quiet, laying on their respected beds with a full head. That was until the door opened yet again, much quieter this time.

"Hey you two, it's time to go to the common area. We'll be waiting for you." The employee left the door cracked as they left, hearing them talk to the other patients about the same thing most likely.

The two boys got up and went out into the hall, and followed as everyone went into the hall next to the main wing desk. The room was a decent size with basic hospital chairs and a couple of small chairs. There were about six kids present. Despite it being "full" there weren't really a lot of people. Not surprising though since Nockfell had always been small in population.

"As the rest of you fill out the second part of your goal sheet, welcome Travis and Larry." A tall man came into the room and pulled up a chair. The others pulled out a piece of yellow paper and started writing. The man motioned the two to come sit at his table. He handed them a similar paper.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Brown. I'm the main doctor for the juvenile department." He briefly shoot their hands. "These are goal sheets. Every morning you are going to write down a goal for today and how you might obtain it. Then at night before medication, you'll write if you were successful or not. You'll see how it works in a second. Go sit down somewhere in the meantime. If you got any questions just ask me." The two of them nod quietly and sit on the opposite sides of the room without a second thought.

"Is anyone finished and would like to start us off?"

A girl with purple hair raised her hand immediately and enthusiastically. Dr. Brown sighs and calls on her.

"My goal was to not think of stabbing another person or myself by using the destractive coping mechanism. As you all know, I failed!" She bursts out into a fit of laughter, everyone becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second.

"Um... Yes, with a spork. Ahem. Who's next?"

It continued much more smoothly and calmly, Larry thought. It seemed to mostly be about being more open and talking to the others more, etc. Then the day was officially over as the nurse at the front desk called for medication time. Larry and Travis were told to just go to bed since they hadn't spoken with the doctor yet. However just as Larry was about to head in their room as well he was tapped on the shoulder.

"Give these to your roommate as well." The nurse handed him two pills and two bottles.

"Um, what are these?" Larry looked at the nurse in confusion as he gestured to the items she put in his hands.

"Your water bottles and Trazodone. Everyone needs to take one." Just like before she left before he could speak. He just shook his head and walked back into the room.

"What are you looking at?" Travis spat as he pulled down his shirt.

"Get bent and take this." Larry handed him the water and pill.

"What the fuck?! I don't want your devil drugs! Don't touch me you freak!" He grew more and more freaked out.

Larry sighed. "It's not mine dumbass. The nurse said to take it."

He wasn't going to lie, he didn't want to even look at the pill. The pit in his stomach make his feel nauseous. He didn't want that to happen again, but he had to. Besides this was a controlled environment, right? Surely they wouldn't let that happen. Right?

Before those thoughts could plague his mind further he swallowed the pill raw. Probably wasn't the greatest plan, but at least he didn't choke. He ended up just drinking the water afterwards and leaving the bottle on the table.

"Wow Johnson, that must be a new record. Could keep yourself away from it too long, huh?"

It took everything in his power not to strangle Travis that night. Yep, this was going to be a very long three weeks.

And They Were RoommatesWhere stories live. Discover now