Getting into Routine|3|

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October 26, Wednesday Morning

A bright light brought Larry out of slumber, waking him up immediately as he sat up.

"Wake up, it's time to take vitals." The nurse kept the door open as Larry rubbed his eyes.

He watched as Travis jolted awake, his breathing was heavy as he hurried out of the room. Larry stretched his arms as he got up and saw that outside was completely dark. Usually it wasn't that dark out around seven which was listed as the wake up time. He shrugged it aside as he joined the others that were standing in a line.

"What time is it?" He asked the other nurse that was making sure everyone was out in the hall.

"Four am. You can go back to sleep after you're done."

He was too tired to say anything back to he just stood in line waiting for his turn. He tried focusing on anything else to keep him awake but the walls were plain and dull as can be. Thankfully that was enough to distract him enough to now finally be in front of the line.

"Sit down here, and try to stay still. Breathe normally." He listened to the nurses instructions as she strapped the band around his arm and hooked it up to the machine.

It started to tighten up, a bit tighter than the hospital he was at before, but thankfully not ripping his arm off or something. The nurse then took his temperature and weighed him afterwards.

She finally looked up from the clipboard she had. "You may go back to bed now.

Celebrating a bit in his mind he closed the door behind him, making noticably Travis jump.

"Relax, it's just me." He mumbled out. "Why couldn't they just do that later? Already early enough." Groaning as he flopped onto the bed.

"No kidding." Travis muttered back tiredly.

"Oh wow Phelps, we can actually agree on something for once!" He looked at Travis through the dark with a smug look on his face. Travis could definitely feel him doing it, especially with that fake, sarcastic, enthusiasm.

"Oh fuck off!"

It took them both forever to fall asleep and when they finally started to, came the damn light again. It was morning time.

"Rise and shine, get ready for the day and make sure to make your beds before you leave. Also, Larry your mom came by and dropped off some stuff. We looked through it, so don't get any ideas."

She left as per usual. This was going to get tiring really easy, wasn't it. He got up and looked at the items. Basic things like clothing, and stuff.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom, don't you dare try to look at me your freak!" Travis said at he closed the door, making Larry roll his eyes. This guy was too much.

Deciding not to wait he started getting changed too. Changing into a pair of grey sweatpants he took off his shit when he heard a gasp.

"You sick fuck!"

"And you told ME not to look, huh?" He slipped on his shirt quickly and brushed his hair. "You seriously need to learn to chill the fuck out, dude. You aren't going to get struck down from God or something if you see another guy shirtless."

"That's fucking gross! Ugh." Travis said walking out of the room in disgust.

"What a fucking asshole." Larry mumbled under his breath as he joined the group.

"Hey Larry, over here!" He looked to see a familiar blue hair boy with a strong accent at an empty table. Larry smiled and sat down next to him. They weren't super close friends, but he was pretty nice company when they did talk.

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