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November 12th, Monday Afternoon

Travis sat up rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, he felt sick. Looking around he realized he wasn't in the hospital, he was in the ministry. The tall, looming walls felt like they went on forever. The statues seemed to frown down upon him, it was empty. He sat up from the pews, looking around for any sign of reason. The doors were locked and there was no way out. It appeared to be night by how dark it was, a very small light hanging from the ceiling and a couple of candles being the only light source.

It was dead silent if only for the sound of his breathing and footsteps. His body suddenly moved on it's own, slowly walking towards the organ, he was compelled to play it. It wasn't his body anymore, yet he was still conscious and very aware. He sat down at the bench and played a single note. Without thinking his hands started playing 'The Creatures of God', the typical song he was always forced to play. 


His hands stopped making the organ fall flat on it's last note. It echoed as the silence came seeping in. What was that voice?


He felt something wet through his shoes, there was water. Water? Gaining control on his body he almost fell backwards. The water was pitch black and was seeping through the doors rapidly. In a rush of panic he tried rushing the doors, slamming his shoulders into it with all his might. It wouldn't budge. The water was up to his waist before he even could realize.


"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" He yelled desperately, the confusion and anger made his adrenaline rush through him. He ran at the doors the best he could, throwing his entire body at it. Still nothing. Fuck, was this it.





Voices sang, there wasn't just one person doing this. Voices of people he doesn't recognize, in a way, they almost didn't sound completely human. Gasping for air, he tried to keep his head above water, there was getting less and less room to breathe. He swam to the top, there was nowhere left to go. He clasped his hands together and started to pray for his live.

"Forgive me. Forgive me! Forgiv-" He screamed hoping someone would hear him, but hands started grabbing him by his throat and legs pulling him into the water.

His vision was blurry and it was hard to see through the black, murky water. He was drowning, his mind was blank, the only thing he could do was succumb to it. There was no running away this time. Oddly enough his body was light, weightless. There was no use for struggling, he let it happen. Succumbed to it.

'Travis.' The voice voice said through the darkness, it was notably different than the other voices. It was human. He opened his eyes, all around him was pitch black.


His lungs were filling up with the water as a bit of white shown itself. A small light was shining from above him, the source of the voice. Desperation hit him, he didn't know why, but he didn't want to go out like this. The suffocating feeling drew worse as he swam up to the light.


The hands hung on tight around him, pulling him down. He struggled, trying to kick his way out of it's grasp, his vision was growing dark but it was right there. With all of his might he forced himself forward, desperately reaching for the light.

"Travis, wake up."

He jolted upwards in a cold sweat, he inhaled deeply, he could breathe. He was in the hospital room, Larry was right next to him looking very concerned. No water in sight, no voices; just him and Larry in their room sitting on his bed. Safe, he was safe. It was just a dream.

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