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November 7nth, Wednesday Morning

"Wake up, time for vitals." The door was still opened even after the footsteps disappeared down the hall.

Larry groaned getting out of bed, even now he's still not over the early waking time. It was hard enough to get to sleep, even with the abundance of sleeping pills they had at hand. Sluggishly he walked into line, attempting to rub the tiredness out of his eyes. Travis joined behind him, he looked more tired than usual which was a given thanks to yesterday's breakdown.

It only took the standard ten to fifteen minutes and like clockwork everyone was back into their rooms. Everything was supposably normal, except for when Travis almost fell when he got in the room.

"Shit, you okay man?"

"Ugh... Feel dizzy as hell." Travis held his head, standing up with visibly unbalanced.

"Here, come on." Larry stood up, guiding him slowly back to his bed. Helping him sit down without falling.

"I think it's those new pills." He said taking sips from his water.

"They put you on new pills?"

"Yeah, I have to take the old ones and the new ones. Fuck my head!"

Larry's eyes widened with concern. "Do you need me to get the nurse?"

"It's probably nothing. Just go back to sleep." He yawned laying back down, curling up in the thin suffocation proof blanket. Larry was still a bit concerned but ended up doing the same.

Group therapy finally concluded, Larry didn't even know why it was even called that in the first place. It was less group therapy and more of a pop quiz worksheet, only with the topic being abuse. Basically sitting in a quiet room defining different types, giving an example and handing it in to the 'teach' who only went through a small white board worth of information. Thankfully time decided to grace them all by seemingly go by quicker.

The common events and chatter unfolded as he turned in the worksheet. He turned his direction towards Travis.

"What do you want?" Travis glared at him.

"I was just wanting to talk that's all."

"Oh. Right, um, go ahead." His expression changed as he gestured to the chair in front of him. Larry could definitely feel the awkwardness between them, he felt it himself. It was weird being civil with someone you've been hating for years now.

"So... what did you want to talk about exactly?"

"Nothing in particular, for now. How are you feeling by the way?"

"What are you-" Travis stopped remembering earlier. "Oh, um, I'm fine I guess."

"That's good. Thought something  happened." Larry leaned back against the chair.

"It's probably nothing. But um-" Travis sat stiff, sighing, the words struggled to come out. "I guess... thanks for helping me earlier."

"Stop looking at me like that!"

"I wasn't expecting you to say that." Larry explained with a small smile on his face. "It's no problem man."

"Hmph, whatever." Travis scoffed, diverting his eyes.

Larry felt a tap at his shoulder, it was Philip. "Need to talk to you, come." He got up following Philip, mouthing to Travis that he'll be right back.

"You talking to Travis, and it didn't seem that aggressive. What happened?"

"Nothing much."

Philip raised an unamused brow.


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