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November 23rd, Wednesday Morning

The leaves fell from the trees, crunching under the footsteps of the students entering the school property. Travis cringed, feeling the cold from the changing season. It made him feel worse, as if he was being stabbed. Maybe that was an exaggeration, he thought, yet the wind brushed against his skin too harshly.

Slowly walking into the parking lot entrance, he wiped away a single tear, he made it out the week alive. Not unscathed, but alive. Swallowing down the memories he walked into the school which was thankfully a bit warmer than outside. Not wanting to loiter around, he kept himself busy at his locker. Messing with the lock or the hospital band he never had the time to remove off of his wrist.

He heard the sound of an acquainted voice, followed by three others. No doubt that was Larry and his friends. He didn't dare to look in their direction, instead chosing to hide his face with the door, trying to keep himself as small and unnoticeable as possible. Even with Larry's reassurance, Travis still had doubts about their relationship outside, it wouldn't be good to risk it either way.

  "Travis!" A loud yell called his attention followed by vast footsteps running up to him. He closed the door to his locker and was instantly swept into a warm embrace.

"There you are dude!" It took him all by surprise, he didn't know how to react. Afterall, he still wasn't used to hugging, part of him think he might not ever. Despite the pressure on his wounds, and somewhere in his mind screaming at him to push him away, he hugged back just as tight. Resting his head on his shoulder, no longer sensing the cheap hospital shampoo on him.

"I was worried when you didn't show up to school all last week. What happened?!" Larry pulled away keeping his hands on his shoulders, Travis smiled despite wanting to burst. He could feel Larry's gaze studying, eyebrows narrowing at the closer sight. No doubts that he saw the bruises that poked out through his sweater.

"Did he do this to you?! Is that why you weren't here?!" Larry said, his tone was a mix of concern and something a bit darker. Travis didn't need to say anything, they both knew the answer.

"I'm okay. It could've been worse." Larry wanted to argue, but the look on Travis' face told him that he wasn't going to listen right now. He needed something else.

"Um, what is happening here exactly?" They both turned their attention to the others who were watching the scene unfold, unable to piece together what was happening. Larry glanced between his friends and Travis, he fumbled to find the right things to say. That was until Travis' nose started to unexpectedly bleed.

"Travis, are you okay?" Sal spoke up, as Ashley and Todd stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Fuck, not again. I'm fine." He covered his nose in attempt to not make a mess, only to have the blood leak through his hand.

"Let's get you to the nurses office, guys I promise I'll explain during lunch." Larry guided Travis in a rush down the hallway.

"We have like ten more minutes until class, maybe we can see about getting your wounds patched up."

"Wait no, you can't tell them! They'll-" Travis looked angry yet frightened, coughing up a bit of blood that fell in his mouth.

"It's okay, I'll tell them that you fell down the stairs or something." Larry walked him in as the nurse gasped in shock.

"Oh good heavens, what happened here?!" She rushed to sit Travis down, handing him tissues for his nose.

"He fell down the stairs, I think someone spilled something, it was super slippery." Larry gave him a thumbs up while her back was turned.

"I'll see if someone can take a look at it. Tilt your head back." Travis did as he was told ignoring the strange sensation in his throat. He jumped slightly when a bag of ice was placed on his cheek.

"Keep that there for a few minutes, okay?" The nurse said as her walkie-talkie started buzzing. She looked at the two boys as she grabbed a couple of things off the desk.

"Alright boys, I need to step out for just a few, I want no funny business. Got it?" They agreed quietly as she left the room, leaving them alone.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, it's probably just because of the changing season."

"Makes sense. What about that?" He pointed at the bruise on his cheek. Travis sighed taking the bag of ice from Larry.

"I said I'll be fine. I've gone through worse funny enough." Travis chuckled dryly, avoiding his gaze. "I really thought I wasn't going to make it." Larry ignored the growing pit in his stomach, mostly from anger and worry.

"You're here now." Larry smiled softly at him, grasping his hand tightly in a reassuring way.

"Yeah." Travis squeezed his hand in return, putting the ice down on the bed. "What are you going to tell them?"

"The truth, no reason to lie. I'll leave out the personal stuff though, no worries." He laid back against the wall, encouraging Travis to do the same.

"I need to make things right." He said suddenly tightening his grip on Larry's hand.

"Do it when you're ready. We're not going anywhere."

"What if you all do? Who knows what can happen." He mumbled. 

"True, but you never know if you don't try. Do with what you have control over." Larry rubbed the top of his hands, brushing his thumb calmly against Travis' healing knuckles. "As I said, it'll be okay. Somehow."

Travis gave a small hum, the fear was suffocating, and yet it felt as if he was able to take a breath of fresh air. Everything will be okay. He's here, he's alive. This is real. It'll be okay. He took a deep breath, stabilizing his breathing. He let go of Larry's hand as the nurse came back in not too long later.

"Alright, how do you feel?"

"Better, thank you miss." Travis put on a forced smile, he was indeed not better, but being stuck in the dark room didn't seem to help. He handed her the now melted bag.

"You are free to go to class then, the bell is going to ring any minute now."

They leave the nurses office quickly, stopping by the lockers to get the books they needed. The bell rings as they shut the doors, they stop to look at each other.

"See you later dude!"

"Heh, yeah, see you."

They walk different directions to get to their respected classes. Travis hated school before, hated everything in life, even life itself. He'd never expected something like this to happen ever. The hospital was hell, he'll never stop hearing the things he heard in the quiet room, feeling that syringe dig into his skin before he drops limp. He'll never forget how hopeless it all was, the thought of going back made him want to die.

In a way, he was still thankful things went the way it did, mostly. He wished that it could've happened in better circumstances. Other times he thinks what would've happened if things were different. He wouldn't be here right now, that's for sure. Larry saved him from himself.

"Morning everybody, sit down and open up your textbooks to page 5." He sits down at his desk, flipping to the assigned page. Staring off he made a promise to himself, he wasn't going to run away anymore. He wasn't going to be the same coward he always was. He'll trust in Larry's words, he'll hang on just a little while longer. He smiled to himself, holding onto that promise to help him move forward. This is the time for change.

Hello everyone, I want to thank you for reading this mess of a book! I've never did anything like this before so it was fun despite my complete lack of experience. This is the end, but I'm planning on making a sequel. I will post an update for whenever it comes out. Once again, thank you again for reading, stay safe and take care.

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